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Greetings in the name of our Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ. If you are like me, you are probably tired of forking
out a lot of money for curriculum that is just
not worth it !!! I know that many of you have good ideas
and quality programs, but you need some new and
fresh ideas to use every once in a while. God has put on my
heart to write down some of the best ideas we have had in the past 15 years,
to pass them on to others. Jesus said, "Freely ye have received, freely
give", and being the God didn't charge us for the ideas He gave, we aren't
going to charge, but give to others what He has given to us.
We also suggest, and ask that you come
up with your own names in the place of the names you will find on the following
pages. This will allow for your Children's Church to be unique,
and fitted to your own personalities and characters. If every church had
a puppet with the same name, yet they all looked and sounded different,
this would seem strange to a child who might visit your church on one particular
If you have enjoyed this curriculum, please
feel free to duplicate it and give
it to others. This ministry's purpose is to get kids to Jesus, and to get
the words of Jesus to the kids. Also, if you have any ideas you would like
to share, please send them in, and we gladly will pass them on.
Peter says in II Peter 1:12-15 that he
continually put the people in remembrance of God's truths even though they
already knew them and were established in those truths, so that when he
would go on to be with the Lord, the people would have those truths firmly
and deeply rooted in their minds. In the same way, we in the Children's
Ministry need to continually put our kids in remembrance of Jesus and His
truths, even though they think they
know it all and are established in those truths, so that when they leave
our Sunday School, they will always have these truths firmly and deeply
rooted in them, and be able to stand strong in the faith of their Lord
and Savior Jesus Christ.
If you have found this curriculum helpful,
or if you haven't, please email us and let us know what you think. Your
opinion is not only desired, but needed.
Now, God bless you as you minister unto
God's children.
Nerd skits are my
favorite skits, as well as the kids'. They are skits where you can
just be silly, and have fun, yet the kids will learn a ton. Most
of the Nerd Skits are in two different formats, Modern Day Bible Stories,
and skit series.
Modern Day Bible stories are
just that, we dress as Nerds, and have rewriten the bible story to modern
times. This is a fun, and powerful way to reinforce the Bible story
in our lesson.
The others are a series of
skits to show the meaning behind a concept. We normally do the skit
four times, three times incorrect (or what not to do), and the last one
correct (what to do). One of the ways of learning, is to find out
what not to do, the negative. God uses the negative often.
Eight of the ten have the words thou shalt not. The Bible is filled
with negative stories, that God uses to teach us what is correct.
(You will need a narrator, two nerds,
a beeper and two calculators.)
The narrator comes out and tells
the kids that they are going to watch three skits on thou shalt not covet.
He then introduces skit number one.
Skit 1:
Nerd A comes out and begins telling the
kids about this new calculator he saw at the store. He tells them,
"It is the new ‘Albert Einstein delta magna 3.14 special’ with a 100 megahertz
capacity, able to calculate five million calculations per second.
I drool every time I look at it, and just to be able to touch it is a dream
come true." While he is talking about this calculator, Nerd B comes
out with the calculator in hand. Nerd B decides to calculate the
rotational speed of the sun, when Nerd A asks Nerd B what kind of calculator
he has. Nerd B tells him, "It is the ‘Albert Einstein delta magna
3.14 special’ with a 100 megahertz capacity, able to calculate five million
calculations per second." Nerd A asks if he can see it, but
Nerd B tells him he can’t because he hasn’t finished his science project
for school, and he would mess it up. Nerd B leaves. Nerd A
leaves now mad that Nerd B has a cool calculator and he doesn’t.
The narrator then asks the kids if that
was a skit on thou shalt not covet, and why it was not. (It wasn't
because he is mad that someone else has the calculator he wants.)
He then introduces skit number two.
Skit 2:
Nerd A comes and is telling the kids, "Do
you remember the new calculator I told you I saw at the store? The
new ‘Albert Einstein delta magna 3.14 special’ with a 100 megahertz capacity,
able to calculate five million calculations per second? Well I went
home, found all of my pennies, nickels and dimes, and I sold all of my
pocket protectors, plus my John Travolta Saturday Night Special bowling
bowl, and I bought it." He then pulls out his calculator and begins
to do his own calculations of the rotational speed of the sun. "Now
I won’t have to be jealous of that silly guy who has one cause I have one
too, and mine is newer." While he is calculating on his calculator,
Nerd B comes out with a bigger calculator in hand (you can use the keyboard
of a computer). Nerd B then decides to calculate the rotational speed
of the galaxy, when Nerd A sees him and asks him what kind of calculator
he has. Nerd B tells him, "It is the ‘New and improved Albert Einstein
premo delta magna 3.14 special’ with a one million megahertz capacity,
able to calculate six billion calculations per second." Nerd
A asks if he can see it, but Nerd B tells him he can’t because he hasn’t
finished his science project for school, and he would mess it up.
Nerd A leaves now mad that Nerd B has a cooler calculator than he does.
The narrator then asks the kids if that
was a skit on thou shalt not covet, and why it was not. (It wasn't
because he is mad that someone else has a cooler calculator than he has.)
He then introduces skit number three.
Skit 3:
Nerd A comes out and tells the kids, "Do
you remember the new calculator I that one guy had, the ‘New and improved
Albert Einstein premo delta magna 3.14 special’ with a one million megahertz
capacity, able to calculate six billion calculations per second?
Well I sold my old wimpy calculator, plus I sold all of my old pair of
socks and underwear, and I was able to buy this…" He then pulls out
his calculator and begins to do his own calculations of the rotational
speed of the galaxy. "Now I won’t have to be jealous of that silly
guy who has one, cause I have one too, and mine is newer." While
he is calculating on his calculator, Nerd B comes with no calculator.
Nerd A walks over and shows him his new calculator. Nerd B then shows
him his beeper, and says, "Where have you been? They just came out
the ‘New and improved Albert Einstein premo delta magna 3.14 special’ with
a one million megahertz capacity, able to calculate six billion calculations
per second, only in beeper size. Now I no longer have to carry around
that big UGLY looking calculator. It was so heavy and it was cramping
my style with all the chicks. And besides being a calculator, it
also works as a beeper. When it goes off I tell the girls, ‘Excuse
me, but it must be the President calling.’" Nerd A looks at Nerd
B, starts to get mad, but then pats him on the back and says, "Wow, beeper
size. You are a very blessed man." Nerd B says, "The only problem
is that it costs so much I don’t even have enough money for lunch."
Nerd A then tells him not to worry, he has a little extra money from selling
his underwear, "Some dorky guy named Pastor Dan (use your children’s pastors
name here) actually bought them from me." The two nerds leave for
The narrator then asks the kids if that
was a skit on thou shalt not covet, and why it was. (It was because
he wasn’t mad that someone else has a cooler calculator than he has.)
(You will need a narrator, two nerds, and
some toys.)
The narrator comes out and tells the kids
that they are going to watch three skits on thou shalt not steal.
He then introduces skit number one.
Skit 1:
Nerd A comes out playing with his toys.
Nerd B comes out and asks if he can play too. Nerd A says he would
love to play with him, but that it is getting late, and he needs to go
home. Nerd B gets mad and tells Nerd A, "Look over there, a giant
purple elephant." Nerd A looks and Nerd B grabs one of his toys and
hides it. Nerd A turns back around and says he doesn’t see anything.
Nerd B says he must have been mistaken and quickly leaves with the toy.
Nerd A grabs the rest of his toys and leaves.
The narrator then asks the kids if that
was a skit on thou shalt not steal, and why it was not. (It wasn't
because he stole some of his toys.) He then introduces skit number
Skit 2:
Nerd A comes out playing with his toys.
Nerd B comes out and asks if he can play too. Nerd A says he would
love to play with him, but that it is getting late, and he needs to go
home. Nerd A quickly picks up his toys and puts them away, but unknowingly
drops a couple of them. He then leaves. Nerd B notices that
Nerd A dropped some of the toys and begins to say something, but then stops,
telling the kids, "Finder's keepers." Nerd B picks up the toys and
begins to play with them as he leaves.
The narrator then asks the kids if that
was a skit on thou shalt not steal, and why it was not. (It wasn't
because he knew that the toys belonged to Nerd A but didn’t return them.)
He then introduces skit number three.
Skit 3:
Nerd A comes out playing with his toys.
Nerd B comes out and asks if he can play too. Nerd A tells him that
he has to leave pretty soon, but that he would love to play with him until
he does. Nerd A gives Nerd B a couple of his toys to play with telling
him that he can borrow them until he leaves. They play for a little
while, until Nerd A looks at his watch and realizes that he is late.
He grabs the toys he is playing with and quickly leaves. Nerd B looks
down at the toys that he let him play with and says, "He forgot to take
his toys back. Well, I guess they are mine now." Nerd B picks
up the toys and leaves.
The narrator then asks the kids if that
was a skit on thou shalt not steal, and why it was not. (It wasn't
because he didn’t try to return the toys.) He then introduces skit
number four.
Skit 4:
Nerd A comes out playing with his toys.
Nerd B comes out and asks if he can play too. Nerd A tells him that
he has to leave pretty soon, but that he would love to play with him until
he does. Nerd A gives Nerd B a couple of his toys to play with telling
him that he can borrow them until he leaves. They play for a little
while, until Nerd A looks at his watch and realizes that he is late.
He grabs the toys he is playing with and quickly leaves, unknowingly dropping
some on the ground. Nerd B looks down at the toys that he left behind,
and quickly picks them up and runs after Nerd A to give him his toys.
The narrator asks the kids if that was
a skit on thou shalt not steal, and why it was. (It was because he
gave the toys back.)
(You will need two nerds, a narrator, and
someone to play God's voice. You will two tables with blankets and
pillows and a Teddy bear.)
Once upon a time, there was a short, little,
dopey, foureyed ... (pause - Samuel says "hey".) sorry, little boy named
Samuel. (pause - Nerd A comes out dressed up as Samuel). Who
lived with his adopted now blind but ruggedly handsome, dashing, and intelligent
father Eli (pause - Nerd B comes out dressed up as Eli). One
evening at the temple, Eli told Samuel that it was getting late, and that
he needed to go to bed (pause - Samuel grabs his teddybear and goes over
to lay down on a table on stage. Samuel can be silly as he tries
to climb up on his bed, talk to his teddybear, snore ... etc.). Just
as Samuel was going to sleep, he heard a voice calling out his name (pause
- someone in the back of the stage says deeply into a microphone "Samuel,
Samuel". When Samuel hears the voice he jumps out of bed screaming
and asks Teddy if he heard that, and tells him Eli must want him).
Samuel then got up to wake up Eli thinking that it must have been him.
(pause - Samuel walk quietly up to Eli, then bends down and yells, "Eli,
Eli" into his ear as he shakes him.). Eli told Samuel that it wasn't
him, so to go back to bed. (pause - as Samuel goes back to bed, he is talking
to Teddy). Moments later, Samuel hears that voice calling his name
again (pause - he looks at Teddy and tells him he knows he heard him that
time), and went to wake up Eli and ask what he wanted (pause). Eli,
getting a little angry, told him to go back to bed (pause - Eli tells him
its probably a nightmare brought on because of all the pizza he ate for
dinner. Samuel tells him he only had the usual 16 pieces. Samuel
again goes to lay down). Again, while Samuel was laying in bed, he
heard his name being called out (pause), and once again Samuel went to
wake up Eli and ask him what he wanted (pause - this time while Samuel
is staring over Eli, he wakes up before Samuel says anything and screams.).
This time Eli, realizing that it may be God trying to talk to Samuel, told
him to go back to bed, and that next time when he hears that voice, say
"Hear am I Lord" (pause). Samuel troubled and scratching his head,
went back to bed (pause), and moments later heard that voice calling out
his name (pause). This time Samuel said "Hear am I Lord (pause -
Samuel asks the narrator, "What was I supposed to say?" and the narrator
repeats and Samuel says it.), and God began to talk to him (pause - the
voice begins to read the scriptures found in I Samuel as Samuel walks off
of stage). The end.
(You will need one nerd, and someone to
play God's voice. The stage is set as the Pearly Gate to heaven.
A fog machine makes a really good effect.)
Someone introduces the skit, "Imagine if
you will, that the stage is the Pearly Gate that leads to heaven.
There is a line of people waiting to get in, when look (he points to the
nerd who is walking onto the stage) here comes one more person, who suddenly
and unexpectedly died, and is also getting in line to see if he can make
it into heaven. Lets watch and see what happens."
While he is introducing the skit, Nerd
A comes out on the stage, and is acting like he is getting in line and
then waiting to get into heaven. While he is acting like he is moving
up in line, he starts telling the kids, "I was driving down the street
when a semi-truck pulled into my lane. Then all of a sudden, shebang,
here I am standing in line to get into heaven." He then takes another
step forward in line. He tells the kids how excited he is when he
hears a voice calling him by name. He acknowledges the voice, who
then asks him,
Voice: "Why should you be allowed
into heaven?"
Nerd A: "Why should I be allowed into
heaven. I guess that’s a fair question. Well, I was usually
a pretty good guy.
Voice: "Not good enough."
Nerd A: "Not good enough? OK, well
I once gave 50 bucks to an orphanage, tax deductible you know."
Voice: "Not good enough."
Nerd A: "Not good enough? Well,
I ahhh ... I went to church almost every Easter Sunday, and I even once
read the entire book of III John."
Voice: "Still Not good enough."
(You can have as many reasons as you wish,
and at the end of every reason the voice says, "Not good enough".)
Nerd A: "Not good enough? Well, what
did you want me to do?"
Voice: "Accept my Son."
Nerd A: "Accept your Son? Who is
your Son, and I'll accept him."
Voice: "Jesus."
Nerd A: "Jesus? Yea right, come
on, that wasn't really true ... ahh, was it?"
Voice: "Yes it is true."
Nerd A: "Well, if I would have known it
was true, I would have accepted him. Hey, I'll even accept him now."
Voice: "Too late."
Nerd A: "Too late! Well, is there
a back door or window or something where I could get in? I'll clean
the bathrooms, mop the floors. I’ll do anything."
Voice: "I am the way, the truth, and the
Life, the only way to heaven is through Jesus."
Nerd A: "Oh great. Well then, where
am I supposed to go?"
Another Voice: (Devilish like) : "Hey
bud, we have a room for you down here."
Nerd A: "Huh. You have a room for
me? Who are you?"
As Nerd A begins to walk off the stage,
he begins to comment on how warm, or rather, how hot it is down there.
(You will need a narrator, 1 giant, 1 nerd
shepherd boy, 1 nerd king, three guards, a calculator, a squirt gun, and
two super-soakers. To make the giant funny looking, have him be two
people, someone sitting on someone else’s shoulders, with a long gown over
Once upon a time, there was a king and
his army. (pause - the king and his army come out skipping, then
sit around joking with each other or playing duck, duck, goose.)
Everything was going well in his kingdom, until one day when a giant came
and challenged the king and his men. (pause - the giant walks out
squirts the kids with his super-soaker and says "Fe fi fo fum, I smell
the blood of a Jewish man. If anyone who is in your army can beat
me in a fight, then we will become your servants, but if I beat you, then
you will become our servants, you bucket slime, you icky stuff found between
the toes.") The king and his servants were scared of the giant, (pause
- the king and his army act scared, and say, "Oh my, I am scared.") and
would run away every time they saw him. (pause - the king and his
army run away.) This went on for many days, (pause - repeat the scene
two more times) until one day when the army was hanging around (pause
- just the army comes out) a little boy named Arnold came (pause - Arnold
comes out skipping, carrying a stuffed lamb and singing, "Arnold had a
little lamb.") to give his brothers some bread and cheese. (pause
- Arnold stops, looks at the narrator, and asks if peanut butter and jelly
will work. The narrator says yes and then repeats his lines, only
with peanut butter and jelly.) A little boy named Arnold came to
give his brothers some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. (pause
- Arnold smiles and continues, giving the stuff to his brothers.)
When the giant came out and challenged everyone (pause - the giant comes
out and repeats his lines) instead of running away, (pause) Arnold asked,
"Who is this uncircumcised Philistine who dares to challenge the armies
of the living God?" (pause - Arnold tries to quote what the narrator
says and gets about half way through his lines, and asks the narrator,
"What was that I said?" The narrator repeats it and Arnold finishes
his lines.) When the people heard what Arnold said, they brought
him to the King, who asked him about it. (pause - the king comes
out and sits on a throne, and then asks him about it.) Arnold told
the king that he once shot a squirrel and a bunny rabbit who once tried
to get into his mommy's garden and eat the carrots and broccoli, (pause
- Arnold describes the incident) and that God was able to help him get
this giant too. (pause) The King then gave to Arnold his armor,
and his kingly super-deluxe xj-7 special limited edition super-soaker,
(pause) but because Arnold hadn't tested it, he turned it down, and went
to go face the giant with nothing but his tiny little squirt-gun and calculator.
(pause) Once again, the people were hanging around with the
king (pause) when the giant came out (pause) but this time, Arnold met
his challenge (pause - Arnold begins to change his mind, but the army pushes
him back in) The giant laughed as he saw the funny looking, skinny,
dorky, dopey (pause - Arnold looks at the narrator and says "Hey.") little
boy. (pause) Arnold pulled out his calculator (pause) figured
out the rotational speed of the earth, (pause) divided it by the gravitational
pull, (pause) aimed his squirt gun, (pause - Arnold wets his finger, and
sticks it into the air) and shot the giant right between the eyes.
(pause - Arnold shoots the giant.) As the giant ran away crying
to his mommy, (pause) the armies of the king began to celebrate,
and rejoice at what Arnold had done. (pause) The end.
(You will need a narrator, two nerds, and
a girl.)
The narrator comes out and tells the kids
that they are going to watch four skits on keeping your word. He
then introduces skit number one.
Skit 1:
Nerd A and Nerd B come out playing catch
with a baseball. Nerd B asks Nerd A when he is going to teach him
how to hit the ball. Nerd A tells Nerd B that if he will go get a
bat, he will teach him today. Nerd B leaves to go get the bat.
While Nerd A is hanging around, a girl comes out with two tickets to the
baseball game, and asks Nerd A if he would go with her to the game.
Nerd A faints, but then gets back up and tells her yes. She asks
him if he should tell his friend that just left, but Nerd A asks, "What
friend?" The two of them leave for the game. Nerd B comes back
out. He begins calling for Nerd A, and leaves the stage looking for
The narrator asks the kids if that was
a skit on keeping your word, and why it was not. (It wasn't because
he left and didn’t teach his friend how to bat.) He then introduces
skit number two.
Skit 2:
Same as skit one, except Nerd A tells the
girl that he would love to go, but first he has to tell his friend.
He calls Nerd B and then tells him that he just heard that his pet goldfish
has died, and he is just too emotionally upset and won't be able to teach
him today. Nerd B tells him that he would be happy to stay with him
and comfort him, but Nerd A quickly tells him no, to go on and practice
without him. Nerd B leaves sad, and Nerd A whistles to the girl hidden
off to the side of the stage. They leave together for the game.
The narrator asks the kids if that was
a skit on keeping your word, and why it was not. (It wasn't because
he lied to him.) He then introduces skit number three.
Skit 3:
Same as skits one and two, except this
time Nerd A tells Nerd B the truth and gives Nerd B some money to go and
get batting lessons. Nerd B leaves and Nerd A whistles for the girl
as they leave for the game.
The narrator asks the kids if that was
a skit on keeping your word, and why it was not. (It wasn't because
even though he told him the truth, he still didn't do what he said he would
do.) He then introduces skit number four.
Skit 4:
Same as skit 3, except Nerd A tells the
girl he can only go to the game with her after he teaches his friend how
to bat. She tells him that the game starts in five minutes, and that
if he doesn’t want to go with her, she will find someone else who will.
Nerd A tells her he wishes he could, but that he promised his friend.
The girl leaves to find someone else. Just then, Nerd B comes out
and asks Nerd A who the girl was and what she wanted. Nerd A stairs
at the girl, takes a deep breath, sighs and then tells Nerd B, "Nothing
important. Now come on, lets go learn how to bat." Nerd B tells
Nerd A, "Groovy. Hey, by the way, I got tickets for tomorrow’s baseball
game if you want to go." Nerd A pats Nerd B on the back and they
leave to go practice batting.
The narrator asks the kids if that was
a skit on keeping your word, and why it was. (It was because he kept
his word and did what he promised.)
(You will need a narrator, one nerd, someone
to play the voice from heaven, a radio, and a sign that says, "Do Not Touch.")
The narrator comes out and tells the kids
that they are going to watch three skits on repentance. He then introduces
skit number one.
Skit 1:
The nerd comes out and sees the radio on
the table. He reads the sign that says, "Do Not Tough" but touches
and turns on the radio anyway. A voice from heaven tries to say something
to him, but he just ignores it. The voice gets louder, so he turns
the volume on the radio up. The voice gets even louder, so he plugs
his ears and starts to hum saying, "I can’t hear you," as he walks off
The narrator asks the kids if that was
a skit on repentance, and why it was not. (It wasn't because he wouldn't
even listen to God let alone repent.) He then introduces skit number
Skit 2:
The nerd comes out and sees the radio on
the table. He reads the sign that says, "Do Not Tough" but touches
the radio anyway. A voice from heaven tells him not to touch the
radio, and he says, "Oh, I am sorry," but then attracted by the radio,
touches it again. The voice speaks again and the nerd says again,
"Oh, I am really sorry. I won’t do it again," but continues to touch
and play with the radio. The voice speaks one last time, and the
nerd says, "Oh, this time I really am sorry," and begins to walk out.
He then runs back and touches the radio one last time yelling, "I am sorry,"
and then runs back off stage.
The narrator then asks the kids if that
was a skit on repentance, and why it was not. (It wasn't because
even though he said he was sorry, he kept doing it.) He then introduces
skit number four.
Skit 3:
The nerd comes out and sees the radio on
the table. He reads the sign that says, "Do Not Tough" but touches
the radio anyway. A voice from heaven tells him he is not to touch
the radio, and the nerd stops, falls on his knees and really tells God
that he is sorry. Someone comes up and asks if he could turn the
radio up, and he says, "Oh, no. The sign says, "Do Not Touch."
The nerd then leaves. The person starts to touch the radio and the
nerd comes running in and gently tackles him and says, "Do not touch the
radio." They both get up and leave.
The narrator then asks the kids if that
was a skit on repentance, and why it was. (It was because he listened
to God and then quit doing it.)
LOVE (modern day Bible story)(4:11)
(You will need a narrator, 3 nerds, one
athlete, and two little old ladies.)
The narrator enters and begins to read
the story to the kids. The characters enter and act it out accordingly.
Once upon a time, there was a tall, charming,
handsome stranger (pause - Nerd A comes walking out) well at least he was
tall (pause - Nerd A looks at the narrator) who went out for a walk.
(pause - Nerd A can be singing a song while walking.) And while he
was walking down the street, a gang of tough notorious ruffian outlaws
(pause - two old ladies come out) jumped him and beat him up and took his
wallet and left him for dead. (pause - as they leave they tell him,
"By the way, you're a lousy singer.") While he was lying there unable
to move, (pause - Nerd A says, "I've fallen, and I can't get up.") a pastor
from the local church happened by. (pause - Nerd B walks in looking
very religious, holding and reading a Bible. Nerd A looks at him
and says, "Wow, this guy is a fancy dresser, he will surely help me.")
He saw the strange, poor, disgusting, retched, lonely ... (pause - Nerd
A looks at narrator and says, "Hey." The narrator says he is sorry
and continues) ... man, lying on the ground injured. (pause - Nerd
B says, "Look, a strange, poor, disgust, retched, lonely ..." Nerd
A cuts him off saying a little louder, "Hey!" and Nerd B continues, " ...
man, laying on the floor hurt.") But instead of helping the stranger,
he simply ignored him (pause) and walked on the other side of the road.
(pause) A few minutes later (pause) a second man, a deacon of the
stranger's church (pause - Nerd C now comes out also holding a bible) came
walking down the road and saw the strange, poor, disgusting, retched, lonely
... (pause - again Nerd A interrupts him and says even louder, "Hey !!!")
… sorry, man. (pause - Nerd A says, "Oh boy, this guy is a deacon
in our church, surely he will help me.") But instead of helping,
he too passed by on the other side of the road, already late for his Sunday
School class. (pause - Nerd C looks down and tells Nerd A, "I would
love to help you, but I am already late for my Sunday School class, you
strange, poor, disgusting retched, lonely..." once again Nerd A interrupts
him and Nerd C finishes, "man." Nerd C then leaves.) Finally
a weirdly dressed man came walking down the road, (pause - the business
man is actually dressed normal to us, but strange if you are a nerd.
Nerd A sees him and says, "Oh swell, look at this weirdo! I'll never
get any help from him.") and seeing the strange... (pause - the narrator
stops and looks at Nerd A as Nerd A looks at the narrator with an angry
look) I mean, the kindly man, badly hurt on the road, (pause) and had compassion
on him, (pause) mended his wounds, (pause) helped him to his feet, (pause)
and carried him to the local hospital. (pause - the business man
gives Nerd A a piggy back ride off the stage.) The end.
(You will need four nerds, one teacher,
a lemonade stand, water, sugar, lemons and other ingredients.)
Nerd A comes out and tries to make some
lemonade to sell, but doesn't follow any recipe and uses the wrong ingredients
or too much of one ingredient. Nerd B comes out, and Nerd A seeing
Nerd B tries to sell him a cup. Nerd B buys a cup and takes a sip,
but then spits it out on the floor saying, "This stuff tastes terrible."
He then takes his money back and leaves. Nerd A tries to make some
more, again without a recipe, only to have the same results. Nerd
C, who comes in complaining about how thirsty he is, sees the lemonade
stand and goes to buy a cup of lemonade. This time Nerd C spits out
the lemonade on Nerd A's shoes. He too takes his money back and leaves.
Nerd A tries for the third time, but this time Nerd D, who comes in running
and doing exercises, after drinking the lemonade, spits it out on Nerd
A's shirt. Nerd A is frustrated and disappointed and decides to quit
the lemonade business. Just then, one of the children's church teachers
comes out and asks what he is trying to do. Nerd A tells him that
he is trying to make some yummy lemonade to sell and make money, but no
matter what he does, it comes out bad. The teacher asks if all of
the ingredients are good, and Nerd A tells him that he just bought them
this morning. The teacher then asks to see his recipe. Nerd
A says, "What recipe?" The teacher asks Nerd A how he is making the
lemonade if he doesn't have any instructions. Nerd A tells him he
is making it the way he thinks is best. The teacher gets a recipe
book from the back, and together they make the lemonade. Nerd A gives
a cup for the teacher to try, and then ducks when he drinks it. This
time though, the lemonade is good, and Nerd A tells the teacher that it
will cost him a buck for the glass of lemonade. The two leave as
they argue about having to pay.
(You will need a narrator, three nerds,
and some baseball equipment.)
The narrator comes out and tells the kids
that they are going to watch four skits on being friends. He then
introduces skit number one.
Skit 1:
Nerd A comes out and tells the kids that
he is new to the city and doesn't have any friends. He then sits
down on a bench and mopes. Nerds B and C come out and begin playing
baseball and then notice Nerd A sitting sadly by himself. Nerds B
and C go over to Nerd A and ask if he wants to play baseball with them.
Nerd A tells them that they wouldn't want to play with him, and walks out
with his head hung down.
The narrator then asks the kids if that
was a skit about being a friend, and why it was not. (It wasn't being
a friend, because he wouldn't play with them.) He then introduces
skit number two.
Skit 2:
Nerd A comes out and tells the kids that
he is new to the city and doesn't have any friends. He then sits
down on a bench and mopes. Nerds B and C come out and begin playing
baseball. Nerd A sees the nerds playing and goes over to them to
ask if he can play too, "Hey you dorky looking weirdoes, can I play your
stupid game too?" Nerds B and C look at each other and then leave
to go play elsewhere. Nerd A says, "I didn’t think they would let
me play." Nerd A then leaves.
The narrator then asks the kids if that
was a skit about being a friend, and why it was not. (It wasn't being
a friend, because he called them names and was mean to them. If you
want people to be friendly to you, you have to be friendly to them.)
He then introduces skit number three.
Skit 3:
Same as skit one, except this time Nerd
A starts to play with them. He then begins to boss them around, and
tell them that they have to play his way or else he won't play with them.
The Nerds leave.
The narrator then asks the kids if that
was a skit about being a friend, and why it was not. (It wasn't being
a friend, because he was bossy and didn't play nice.) He then introduces
skit number four.
Skit 4:
Same as skit one, except this time Nerd
A plays with them and plays nicely.
The narrator then asks the kids if that
was a skit about being a friend, and why it was. (It was being a
friend, because he played with them nicely.)
(You will need a narrator, two nerds, and
a toy.)
The narrator comes out and tells the kids
that they are going to watch four skits on thanksgiving. He then
introduces skit number one.
Skit 1:
Nerd A comes out, then Nerd B comes out
and gives to Nerd A a gift. Nerd A begins to whine and complain about
it and then throws it on the ground and leaves. (He complains it
is stupid, or no longer in style, or the wrong color …etc.) Nerd
B picks it up and also leaves.
The narrator asks the kids if that was
a skit about thanksgiving, and why it was not. (It wasn't a skit
on thanksgiving, because he just whined and complained and threw the toy
on the ground.) He then introduces skit number two.
Skit 2:
Same as skit one, except this time Nerd
rips the toy away from Nerd B and begins to play with it. A minute
later Nerd B asks if he can play with it too. Nerd A gets mad and
tells him that it is his toy, and then storms out. Nerd B quietly
says, "You're welcome" and leaves also.
The narrator asks the kids if that was
a skit about thanksgiving, and why it was not. (It wasn't a skit
on thanksgiving, because he was selfish and ungrateful to the one who gave
him the toy.) He then introduces skit number three.
Skit 3:
Same as skit one, except this time Nerd
A gently accepts the toy and begins to play with it. He then stops
and says with a flippant attitude, "Oh yeah, by the way, thanks, I guess."
He then leaves playing. Nerd B leaves also.
The narrator asks the kids if that was
a skit about thanksgiving, and why it was not. (It wasn't a skit
on thanksgiving, because even though he said thank you, he didn't mean
it.) He then introduces skit number four.
Skit 4:
Same as skit one, except this time Nerd
A gently accepts the toy and begins to play with it, but then stops and
sincerely thanks Nerd B for it. Nerd B tells him he is welcome, and
Nerd A asks Nerd B if he would like a chance to play with it too.
They both leave together.
The narrator then asks the kids if that
was a skit about thanksgiving, and why it was. (It was thanksgiving,
because he sincerely thanked him for it.)
(You will need a narrator, two nerds, a
present and two toys.)
The narrator comes out and tells the kids
that they are going to watch four skits on giving. He then introduces
skit number one.
Skit 1:
Nerds A and B come out talking about Christmas.
Nerd B asks Nerd A what he got him for Christmas. Nerd A tells Nerd
B that he hasn't gotten him a present yet. Nerd B gets mad and yells
at Nerd A telling him that he doesn't know anything about Christmas, because
if he did, he would have bought him a present just like the wise guys did
when Jesus was born. Nerd B leaves mad, and Nerd A leaves apologizing.
The narrator asks the kids if that was
a skit on giving, and why it wasn't. (It wasn't because Nerd B wasn't
even looking to give, but only to get.)
Skit 2:
Nerd A comes out and tells the kids that
he is meeting Nerd B for a Christmas party. Nerd B then comes out
with a present in his hand. Nerd A asks what the present is for and
Nerd B tells him it is for him. Nerd B then asks Nerd A, "Where is
the present you got for me?" Nerd A tells Nerd B that he didn't get
him a present because he didn't know they were going to exchange gifts.
Nerd B gets mad and storms out with his gift telling Nerd A, "How are we
supposed to celebrate Christmas if you don't even get me a present?"
Nerd A leaves.
The narrator asks the kids if that was
a skit on giving, and why it wasn't. (It wasn't because he would
only give if he thought he was getting something in return.)
Skit 3:
Nerd A comes out and tells the kids that
he is meeting Nerd B for a Christmas party. Nerd B then comes out
with a present in his hand. Nerd A asks what the present is for and
Nerd B tells him it is for him. Nerd B then asks Nerd A, "Where is
the present you got for me?" Nerd A tells Nerd B that he didn't get
him a present because he didn't know they were going to exchange gifts.
Nerd B tells him, "That's OK, go ahead and open the present I gave you."
Nerd A opens the present, and Nerd B watching Nerd A enjoy playing with
it decides that he wants it back, they get into a tussle and Nerd B leaves
with his toy. Nerd A also leaves.
The narrator asks the kids if that was
a skit on giving, and why it wasn't. (It wasn't because even though
he gave it, he took it back.)
Skit 4:
Nerd A comes out and tells the kids that
he is meeting Nerd B for a Christmas party. Nerd B then comes out
with a present in his hand. Nerd A asks what the present is for and
Nerd B tells him it is for him. Nerd B then asks Nerd A, "Where is
the present you got for me?" Nerd A tells Nerd B that he didn't get
him a present because he didn't know they were going to exchange gifts.
Nerd B tells him that it is OK, because he didn't tell Nerd A that he was
going to get him a gift. Nerd B then gives Nerd A the present, who
opens it and begins to play with it. Nerd A tells Nerd B that he
feels bad about not getting him a present and asks Nerd B if he would like
to play with it. Nerd B tells Nerd A the fun part of Christmas isn't
getting presents, but giving. He then tells Nerd A, "And anyway,
I bought one for myself also." He pulls out a similar toy and the
two begin to play and then leave.
Narrator asks the kids if that was a skit
on giving, and why it was. (It was because he gave even though he
didn't get anything in return.)
(You will need two nerds, a teacher, a
chalk board, a wanted poster with the picture of one of the nerds on it,
and a Polaroid camera.)
The teacher comes out working on an old
recipe which she is writing on the chalk board. Nerd A comes out
dressed like "James Bond 005.6 & ¾" and spies on the teacher,
annoying her. The teacher tells Nerd A that she is in the middle
of copying down a very important recipe handed down from generation to
generation. Nerd A takes a photograph of the teacher and the recipe
board. Nerd A then tells the teacher that he needs her help for a
very important, highly classified, top secret mission. The teacher
asks what, and Nerd A tells her that he needs her to take him down to the
store to buy some toilet paper, because they just ran out. The teacher
asks, "This is a very important mission?" And Nerd A says, "It is
if you are the next one to use the upstairs bathroom." The teacher
tells Nerd A that she needs a break from working on the recipe, and so
she and Nerd A leave to go to the store after she leaves a note for Nerd
B to clean up the room.
While they are gone, Nerd B comes in looking
for the teacher. He tells the kids that she asked him to come over
and help straighten up the room with her. He looks around checking
all of the doors, but doesn't find her. He finds the note, reads
it, and then starts to clean up the stage, sweeping and picking up trash.
He then looks up at the chalk board and says, "Boy, what a mess. I will
clean the board, and make it look brand new." Nerd B finishes cleaning,
and leaves.
The teacher and Nerd A (now dressed in
a new disguise, and checking to see if the coast is clear) come back in
from the store and notice that the room has been cleaned. They both
comment on how good a job Nerd B did. The teacher then looks at the
board and says, "Oh no, the board has been cleaned." Nerd A says,
"Yeah, and it looks almost brand new too." The teacher tells Nerd
A that he doesn't understand, that the board was the only copy of the recipe
handed down from generation to generation, and now it is gone. Nerd
A tells the teacher, "Don’t you worry. This is a job for James Bond
005.6 & ¾. I will hunt down Nerd B and bring him back,
dead or alive." Nerd A leaves to go find Nerd B. After Nerd
A leaves, the teacher realizes that it was just a mistake by Nerd B and
decides that she is going to forgive him. The teacher leaves.
Nerd A comes out wearing a new disguise,
and puts up a wanted poster of Nerd B, telling the kids that if they see
him, to let him know. (The reward is for 50 cents.) Nerd A
Nerd B comes in, looks at the wanted poster
and makes a comment on how good looking the person in the picture is.
He sits down and begins to eat his lunch. While he is eating, Nerd
A comes in hiding behind a tree, and begins to sneak up on him. (Every
time Nerd A moves, Nerd B looks around, but doesn't see him.) Nerd
A then grabs him and tells him not to go anywhere while he goes and gets
the teacher so that she can beat him up for ruining her recipe. While
Nerd A is going to get the teacher, Nerd B begins to panic. Nerd
A comes back with the teacher who is carrying a frying pan, and tells her
to go ahead and beat him up. The teacher goes to grab Nerd B by the
arm and Nerd B screams. The teacher tells him not to worry, that
she was upset at him at first, but that she isn’t now. She tells
him when she saw that the chalk board was erased, she got a little mad,
but then she realized it was just a mistake, and that she is not going
to beat him up, but has decided to forgive him. (While the teacher
is talking to Nerd B, Nerd A repeats all of the things she says.
Example: The teacher says she was mad, and Nerd A says, "Yeah, really
mad.") Nerd A asks, "Forgive him? What do you mean forgive
him? I am leaving." Nerd A then leaves. Nerd B apologizes
and tells her that it was just a mistake. The teacher tells him that
she knows it was a mistake, and that is why she forgives him. Nerd
A then comes in and begins to apologize to Nerd B for the way he acted,
and not forgiving him. Nerd B forgives Nerd A, and Nerd A asks the
teacher and Nerd B if they would like to see the pictures he took this
morning. Nerd B is excited, and the teacher acting like she is excited,
though she is not, says sure. They begin to look at the pictures,
when the teacher stops and grabs the one with her and the chalk board with
the recipe on it. She tells Nerd A the he has saved the day by accidentally
taking a picture of the recipe. Nerd A says, "Of course, just another
days work for ‘James Bond 005.6 & 3/4.’" Nerd A then tells them
that they should celebrate by going out to eat or something. He then
begins to check his pockets for money but finds none. Nerd B checks
his pockets also, and finds no money. The teacher tells them that
because she has found her lost recipe, that this one is on her. All
three leave to go eat.
(You will need a narrator and two nerds.)
The narrator comes out and tells the kids
that they are going to watch four skits on how to pray. He then introduces
skit number one.
Skit 1:
Nerd B comes out and tells the kids he
wants to learn how to pray. Nerd A comes out carrying a bible, and
Nerd B, supposing he is a Christian, asks Nerd A if he could teach him
how to pray. Nerd A tells Nerd B that in order to pray, he has to
kneel down, put his hands together, close his eyes, and then repeat the
exact same words after him. Both nerds kneel down, put their hands
together, close their eyes, and then Nerd A begins a King James Version
prayer which Nerd B repeats. Nerd B stops periodically and asks questions
about what some word means, or why they are praying in that way.
Nerd A - "Oh Lordeth
all mightieth, omnipotent creator of heaveneth and eartheth, we magnify
thy most gracious and wonderful name."
Nerd B - "Oh Lord,
we magnify your name."
Nerd A - "No.
You have to say the exact same words, or else God can’t hear you.
You want God to hear you don’t you?"
Nerd B - "I am sorry,
or I mean sorrieth, pleaseth start againeth."
(Nerd A says the
same prayer, and Nerd B repeats after him.)
Nerd A - "We beseech
thee Oh biggeth guy in the sky."
Nerd B - "We beseech
thee Oh biggeth guy in the sky. What does beseech thee mean?"
Nerd A - "It means…
ahhh… I don’t know what it means, but that is not the point, you are supposed
to pray it or else."
They finish praying, and Nerd A leaves
satisfied that he has accomplished teaching Nerd B, while Nerd B leaves
even more confused then when he started.
The narrator then asks the kids if that
was a skit on how to pray correctly. (It wasn’t because he is only
repeating after him.) He then introduces skit number two.
Skit 2:
Nerd B comes out and tells the kids he
wants to learn how to pray. Nerd A comes out, and Nerd B asks Nerd
A if he could teach him how to pray. Nerd A tells Nerd B that in
order to pray, he has to kneel down, put his hands together, close his
eyes, and then pray like him.
Nerd A - "God I
just ask you for a new car, and a new boat, and lets see, a lot of new
toys. Make that a lot of expensive new toys. And I want lots
more friends and, oh yea, I always need tons more money."
Nerd A tells Nerd
B, "Now you try it." Nerd B begins to pray and thank God, but Nerd
A interrupts him and tells him that God is a busy person and that he needs
to get to the asking part. Nerd B starts asking for lots of things,
and Nerd A says, "Now you got the idea." The two nerds leave with
Nerd B still asking for things.
The narrator then asks the kids if that
was a skit on how to pray correctly. (It wasn’t because he only prayed
for things he wanted. There are times we should pray for things we
need, but it shouldn’t be the only thing we pray for.) He then introduces
skit number three.
Skit 3:
Nerd B comes out and tells the kids he
wants to learn how to pray. Nerd A comes out, and Nerd B asks Nerd
A if he could teach him how to pray. Nerd A looks around nervously
and says, "What’s going to happen." Nerd B looks around nervously
and says, "Nothing that I know of." Nerd A then looks at Nerd B and
sadly says, "Oh my friend, then some tragedy surely must have hit your
family." Nerd B tells him, "No, we are all fine." Nerd A now
becoming a little angry asks, "Are you planning on doing something dangerous
or important later on today?" Nerd B says, "No." Getting mad,
Nerd A then asks, "Why in the world do you want to pray. I mean if
there is nothing bad going to happen, and if no calamity has happened to
you or your family, or if you are not going to do something important or
dangerous, then why do you want to pray. You only pray when you have
to. Dahhhhhhh." Both nerds leave.
The narrator then asks the kids if that
was a skit on how to pray correctly. (It wasn’t because he only prayed
when things got bad.) He then introduces skit number four.
Skit 4:
Nerd B comes out and tells the kids he
wants to learn how to pray. Nerd A comes out, and Nerd B asks Nerd
A if he could teach him how to pray. Nerd A tells Nerd B that praying
is just like talking to your mommy and daddy. If you do something
wrong, you pray and ask God to forgive you. If you need help with
something, you pray and ask God for help or wisdom. If you need something,
you pray and ask God. Nerd B asks, "How often should I pray?"
Nerd A replies, "Oh all the time. Sometimes I even pray just to tell
God that I think he is really groovy." Nerds A and B leave as Nerd
A begins to demonstrate a prayer for him.
The narrator then asks the kids if that
was a skit on how to pray correctly. (It was.)
(You will need a narrator, two nerds, and
some toys.)
The narrator comes out and tells the kids
that they are going to watch four skits on standing up to peer pressure.
He then introduces skit number one.
Skit 1:
Nerd A comes out and begins to play with
his toys. Nerd B comes out and begins to tease Nerd A, telling him
that playing with those kinds of toys is childish and un-cool. Nerd
A looks up nervously and tells Nerd B, "I wasn’t playing with these toys.
Ahhh, I was ahhh, I was just watching them for my little kid brother.
Yea, that’s it. As a matter of fact, I was even thinking about, ahhh,
maybe even breaking them. Yea." Nerd B pats him on the back
and tells him to come with him and he will teach him how to play cool games.
The narrator then asks the kids if that
was a skit about standing up to peer pressure, and why it was not.
(It wasn't because he quit playing with his toys and left to go play other
games.) He then introduces skit number two.
Skit 2:
Nerd A comes out and begins to play with
his toys. Nerd B comes out and begins to tease Nerd A, telling him
that playing with those kinds of toys is childish and uncool. Nerd
A begins to cry and runs away saying, "Mommy, the funny looking kid laughed
at me and made fun of me for playing with my toys." Nerd B just looks
at the kids, shrugs his shoulders and walks away.
The narrator then asks the kids if that
was a skit about standing up to peer pressure, and why it was not.
(It wasn't because he quit playing and started crying.) He then introduces
skit number three.
Skit 3:
Nerd A comes out and begins to play with
his toys. Nerd B comes out and begins to tease Nerd A, telling him
that playing with those kinds of toys is childish and uncool. Nerd
A says, "I wasn’t playing with them." Nerd B says, "I saw you."
Nerd A says, "Then you saw wrong." Nerd B turns away, and Nerd A
starts to play with his toys. Nerd B turns back around and says,
"There, you were playing with them again." Nerd A says, "No I wasn’t."
Nerd B, "You was too." Nerd A, "Was not." Nerd B turns around
for just one second and then turns back, during which time, Nerd A plays
with his toy for the second and then stops. Nerd B say, "Now I know
you were playing with your stupid toys."
Nerd A, "Was not."
Nerd B, "Was too."
Nerd A, "Was not."
Nerd B, "Was too."
Nerd A, "Was not."
Nerd B, "Too."
Nerd A, "Not."
Nerd B, "Too."
Nerd A, "Not."
Nerd B, "Too."
Nerd A, "Not."
Nerd B leaves frustrated, and Nerd A starts
to play with his toys. Nerd B comes back in and before he can say
anything, Nerd A says, "Was not!" Nerd B shrugs his shoulders and
leaves. Nerd A grabs his toys and leaves to go play somewhere else.
The narrator then asks the kids if that
was a skit about standing up to peer pressure, and why it was not.
(It wasn't because even though he continued to play with his toys, he only
played with them when no one was looking.) He then introduces skit
number four.
Skit 4:
Nerd A comes out and begins to play with
his toys. Nerd B comes out and begins to tease Nerd A, telling him
that playing with those kinds of toys is childish and uncool. Nerd
A says, "Then I guess I am childish and un-cool, but it is fun, and I like
it. Do you want to play with me?" Nerd B looks around, then
starts to play with one of the toys. As he plays, he comments, "I
always wanted to do this." The two nerds leave still playing.
The narrator then asks the kids if that
was a skit about standing up to peer pressure, and why it was. (It
was because he didn’t quit playing with his toys, and even offered to have
the bully play with him too.)
(You will need a narrator, two nerds and
a hot apple pie.)
The narrator comes out and tells the kids
that they are going to watch four skits on fleeing temptation. He
then introduces skit number one.
Skit 1:
Nerd A comes out reading a book.
Nerd B comes out wearing a sign that says, "Bad Guy" and tells Nerd A to
take a piece of apple pie. Without even looking up to see who it
is, Nerd A says sure, and the two nerds take the apple pie and leave.
The narrator then asks the kids if that
was a skit about fleeing temptation, and why it was not. (It wasn't
because he blindly followed him and did it.) He then introduces skit
number two.
Skit 2:
Nerd A comes out reading a book.
Nerd B comes out and tells Nerd A to take a piece of apple pie. Nerd
A looks up from his book and says, "I really shouldn’t." Nerd B tells
him before he gives his final answer, he should go over and take a closer
look. Nerd A say, "That’s a good idea. I guess it won’t hurt
if I just take a closer look." Nerd A then says, "You know, I probably
shouldn’t." Nerd B cuts him off, and tells him before he makes his
final decision, that he should go and take a small bite. Nerd A says, "That’s
a good idea. I mean, what could it hurt if I just take a small bite."
Nerd A takes a bite and Nerd B say, "Are you in?" Nerd A, no longer
able to restrain from the temptation says, "You bet." The two nerds grab
the apple pie and leave.
The narrator asks the kids if that was
a skit about fleeing temptation, and why it was not. (It wasn't because
he allowed himself to get pulled in.) He then introduces skit number
Skit 3:
Nerd A comes out reading a book.
Nerd B comes out and tells Nerd A to take a piece of apple pie. Nerd
A looks up from his book and says, "I really shouldn’t." Nerd B tells
him before he gives his final answer, he should go over and take a closer
look. Nerd A say, "I don’t think that would be a wise idea.
No, I think it would be wrong to take a piece." Nerd B asks, "What
would be wrong with it?" Nerd A tells him it would be stealing.
Nerd B tells him it wouldn’t be stealing if it belonged to him. Nerd
A says, "True, but it doesn’t belong to me." Nerd B tells him that
it doesn’t have a name on it, and maybe it was put there by someone just
for him." Nerd A says, "That could be true. People do know
I come here all the time, and they know I love apple pie." Nerd B
answers, "And I don’t see anyone else here except for you." Nerd
A says, "You are right, it probably was left here for me, and it would
be rude of me not to accept a gift from someone." Nerd B pats him
on the back and says, "That’s the way to think." The two nerds grab
the apple pie and leave.
The narrator asks the kids if that was
a skit about fleeing temptation, and why it was not. (It wasn't because
though at first he know it was wrong, he convinced himself it was OK and
did it.) He then introduces skit number four.
Skit 4:
Nerd A comes out reading a book.
Nerd B comes out and tells Nerd A to take a piece of apple pie. Nerd
A screams and runs off the stage. Nerd B looks at the kids and leaves
The narrator asks the kids if that was
a skit about fleeing temptation, and why is was. (It was because
he fled before he could be further tempted.)
(You will need a narrator, two nerds, and
a table.)
The narrator comes out and tells the kids
that they are going to watch four skits on meekness. He then introduces
skit number one.
Skit 1:
Nerds A comes out and tells the kids that
he is going to have an arm wrestling contest with Nerd B. Nerd A
then begins to stretch and warm up. Nerd B comes out and the two
meet at the table to have an arm wrestling contest. They talk the
narrator into saying, "Ready, set, go." The narrator does what they
ask, and Nerd B beats Nerd A in about two seconds. Nerd A jumps up
and begins to brag, "Man, did you see that? Wow, I made you sweat.
Oh baby, I could see the fear in your face, when I almost beat you.
Am I great or what?" Nerd A leaves, and Nerd B just looks at the
kids, shruggs his shoulders and walks out.
The narrator then asks the kids if that
was a skit on meekness, and why it was not. (It wasn't because he
didn't even win. Sometimes people see themselves as better than they
actually are.) He then introduces skit number two.
Skit 2:
Nerds A comes out and tells the kids that
he is going to have an arm wrestling contest with Nerd B. Nerd A
then begins to stretch and warm up. Nerd B comes out and the two
meet at the table to have an arm wrestling contest. They talk the
narrator into saying, "Ready, set, go." The narrator does what they
ask, and this time Nerd A beats Nerd B, but it takes about twenty seconds.
Nerd A jumps up and begins to brag, "Oh baby, did you see that? I
could see the fear in your face as we were arm wrestling. Man, I
whooped you bad. I mean, am I great or what?" Nerd A leaves,
and Nerd B just looks at the kids, shruggs his shoulders and says, "Congratulations"
and walks out.
The narrator then asks the kids if that
was a skit on meekness, and why it was not. (It wasn't because he
bragged about how great he was.) He then introduces skit number three.
Skit 3:
Nerds A comes out and tells the kids that
he is going to have an arm wrestling contest with Nerd B. Nerd A
then begins to stretch and warm up. Nerd B comes out and the two
meet at the table to have an arm wrestling contest. They talk the
narrator into saying, "Ready, set, go." The narrator does what they
ask, and this time Nerd A beats Nerd B, and it takes about thirty seconds
or so. Nerd B says, "Wow, that was good. I am impressed with
your strength." Nerd A then begins to act overly humble saying, "Oh
man, it was just the Lord. I mean, I am nothing, just truly dust.
I don't even deserve to win." Nerd A shakes his head no, and walks
out. Nerd B just looks at the kids, shruggs his shoulders and says,
"You are welcome?"
The narrator then asks the kids if that
was a skit on meekness, and why it was not. (This one might take
a little explaining. It wasn't because he was displaying "false"
humility which is sometimes prideful.) He then introduces skit number
Skit 4:
Nerds A comes out and tells the kids that
he is going to have an arm wrestling contest with Nerd B. Nerd A
then begins to stretch and warm up. Nerd B comes out and the two
at the table to have an arm wrestling contest. They talk the narrator
into saying, "Ready, set, go." The narrator does what they ask, and
this time Nerd A beats Nerd B, and it takes about thirty seconds or so.
Nerd B says, "Wow, that was good. I am impressed with your strength."
Nerd A says, "Why thank you, I have been working out for the past couple
of weeks." He makes a muscle and grabs his bicept. He then
grabs Nerd B's muscle and says, "It looks like you have been working out
as well, cause that was one tough match. Hey, do you want to go out
for lunch?" Nerd B says yes, "And I will pay." Nerd A says,
"No way, I'm paying." The nerds look at each other and say at the
same time, "Do you want to arm wrestle for it?" Both nerds leave
The narrator then asks the kids if that
was a skit on meekness, and why it was. (It was because he was humble.)
(You will need a narrator, a nerd, a telephone,
and a sign that says, "Help Wanted. Call 1800-924-LORD")
The narrator comes out and tells the kids
that they are going to watch four skits on answering God's calling.
He then introduces skit number one.
Skit 1:
Some comes out and sets up a sign next
to a telephone that says, "Help Wanted. Call 1-800-924-LORD".
Nerd A comes out and sees the sign and begins to scream and run around
in circles. Every time he looks at the sign, he screams again.
Nerd A then runs off of the stage.
The narrator asks the kids if that was
a skit about answering God's call, and why it was not. (It wasn't,
because he just screamed and ran off the stage.) He then introduces
skit number two.
Skit : 2
Nerd A comes out and sees the sign and
decides to pick up the phone and call. God answers (God's voice is
someone from behind the stage) and Nerd A says, "Is this really God?
Wow. Hey, while I have you on the phone, I got a few things I need
to ask you for. I want a new bicycle, and a new sweater, and a new
computer, a laptop with at least 1024 DDR RAM and of course a 100 gigabyte
hard drive .... etc." When he finally ends his list of things he
needs, he says, "Well, thanks God, it was really good talking to you."
Nerd A finally hangs up, and walks off the stage saying how cool it is
to talk to God.
The narrator then asks the kids if that
was a skit about answering God's call, and why it was not. (It wasn't,
because he never gave God an opportunity to talk.) He then introduces skit
number three.
Skit : 3
Nerd A comes out and sees the sign and
decides to pick up the phone and call. God answers and Nerd A says,
"Is this really God? Wow. Hey, what do you need?" God
asks if Nerd A could help out. Nerd A then answers God, "Well, I
am more than willing to help you God, but whatever you do, don't
put me in the nursery. They all have poopie diapers, and I can't
stand the smell. And don't put me with the preschoolers either, all
they do is run around like chickens with their head cut off, and they all
have snotty noses which is really icky. But now, if you want me to
in front of the entire congregation and preach a fantastic sermon, and
dazzle the crowds with my suave and swell preaching, then sure, I am your
man." Nerd A finally hangs up, and walks off the stage saying how
cool it is to work for God.
The narrator then asks the kids if that
was a skit about answering God's call, and why it was not. (It wasn't,
because he told God what he wanted to do instead of finding out what God
wanted him to do.) He then introduces skit number four.
Skit : 4
Nerd A comes out and sees the sign and
decides to pick up the phone and call. God answers and Nerd A says,
"Is this really God? Wow. So what exactly do you need?
Did you say you needed someone to go into the men's bathroom, and clean
the toilets? Is that what I heard you say? Sure God, anything
for you. What, you say you need me to witness that mean guy down
the street? And even invite him to lunch? Why sure God. "
Nerd A finally hangs up, and walks off the stage saying how cool it is
to work for God.
The narrator asks the kids if that was
a skit about answering God's call, and why it was. (It was, because he
did what God asked of him.)
(You will need a narrator, two nerds, three
cheap pies, a tarp for the mess, and a sign that says, "Pie for Sale.")
The narrator comes out and tells the kids
that they are going to watch four skits on self control. He then introduces
skit number one.
Skit 1:
Nerd A comes out with a pie. He tells
the kids that he just baked the pie, and that he is going to sell it to
make money for a new neon, special edition, laser engraved bowling ball,
with matching pocket protector and shoes. Nerd A then sets up his
table and sign. Nerd B then walks out and asks about the pie.
Nerd A tells him that he just baked it, and that he is selling it to make
money for a new neon, special edition, laser engraved bowling ball, with
matching pocket protector and shoes. Nerd A asks Nerd B if he would
like to buy a piece. Nerd B says, "A special edition, laser engraved
neon bowling ball with matching pocket protector and shoes? Don't
give me a piece, give me the whole pie." Nerd B gives him the money,
grabs the pie and eats the whole thing. Nerd B then burps as Nerd
A just stares in amazement. Both nerds leave.
The narrator then asks the kids if that
was a skit about self control, and why it was not. (It wasn't self control,
because he ate the whole pie.) He then introduces skit number two.
Skit 2:
Nerd A comes out with a new pie.
He tells the kids that he just baked the pie, and that he is going to sell
it to make money for a new neon, special edition, laser engraved bowling
ball, with matching pocket protector and shoes. Nerd A then sets
up his table and sign. Nerd B walks out and asks about the pie.
Nerd A tells him that he just baked it, and that he is selling it to make
money for a new neon, special edition, laser engraved bowling ball, with
matching pocket protector and shoes. Nerd A then asks Nerd B if he
would like to buy a piece. Nerd B says, "I have a buddy that has
one of those bowling balls. He says it is the swellest bowling ball
he has ever had. I guess it would be OK if I had just one piece."
Nerd B pays the money and eats the piece of pie, and compliments Nerd A
on how yummy it is. Nerd A then asks if he would like to buy another
piece? Nerd B says he shouldn't but gives in, just to help him earn
money for his bowling ball. Nerd B again compliments Nerd A on how
good it was and pats his tummy saying that he is full. Nerd A again
asks if he would like another piece, and again Nerd B says he shouldn't
but takes one anyway. Nerd B compliments Nerd A with his mouth is
still full of pie. Nerd A says he only has one more and asks if he
would be interested in last piece. Nerd B says (again with his mouth
still full from the last piece), "I really shouldn't but ... OK."
Both nerds leave as Nerd B is cramming the pie in his mouth saying, "Any
more pie, and I will start to look like a bowling ball."
The narrator then asks the kids if that
was a skit about self control, and why it was not. (It wasn't self control,
because he wouldn't stop even though he knew he should.) He then
introduces skit number three.
Skit 3:
Nerd A comes out with a new pie.
He tells the kids that he just baked the pie, and that he is going to sell
it to make money for a new neon, special edition, laser engraved bowling
ball, with matching pocket protector and shoes. Nerd A then sets
up his table and sign. Nerd B walks out and asks about the pie.
Nerd A tells him that he just baked it, and that he is selling it to make
money for a new neon, special edition, laser engraved bowling ball, with
matching pocket protector and shoes. Nerd A then asks Nerd B if he
would like to buy a piece. Nerd B screams and begins to run
around in circles and then finally out. Nerd A grabs the pie and
says something like, "I may not be the best cook in the world, but its
not that bad." Nerd A leaves as he smells the pie, and then his underarm.
The narrator asks the kids if that was
a skit about self control, and why it was not. (It wasn't self control,
because he just ran out.) This is one that will have to be explained.
When we are tempted to do wrong, we should run, but when there are things
that are good for us to do, then it is OK to do them, just as long as we
don't over do them. For example, eating candy is OK, eating
too much candy is bad. Self control allows us to eat candy, but not
too much.) He then introduces skit number four.
Skit 4:
Nerd A comes out with a pie. He tells
the kids that he just baked the pie, and that he is going to sell it to
make money for a new neon, special edition, laser engraved bowling ball,
with matching pocket protector and shoes. Nerd A then sets up his
table and sign. Nerd B walks out and asks about the pie. Nerd
A tells him that he just baked it, and that he is selling it to make money
for a new neon, special edition, laser engraved bowling ball, with matching
pocket protector and shoes. Nerd A then asks Nerd B if he would like
to buy a piece. Nerd B says, "A special edition, laser engraved neon
bowling ball? That is so nifty. Well, I think it would be OK
if I helped you out and had just one piece." Nerd B eats the piece
of pie, and compliments Nerd A on how yummy it is. Nerd A asks if
he would like to buy another one? Nerd B says, "It was a yummy pie,
but I really shouldn't. I have to keep in shape for my mathematics'
club. But I will give you an extra dollar to help with your bowling
ball fund." Both nerds leave.
The narrator then asks the kids if that
was a skit about self control, and why it was. (It was self control because
he only ate one piece of pie.)
(You will need a narrator, 1 nerd, 1 valley
girl, and some very light weights.)
Skit 1:
The nerd comes out and begins to lift weights
and falls down with the weights around his neck, choking him. The
Valley girl comes out and sees the nerd on the ground begging her for help
and says, "Oh my goodness, like I am like so like sure like. Like
I wouldn't touch your sweaty body if like my life like depended on it,
like." The valley girl leaves, and the nerd somehow gets up and leaves
The narrator then asks the kids if that
was a skit about giving of yourself, and why it was not. (It wasn't
because she didn't even try to help him.) He then introduces skit
number two.
Skit 2:
Same as skit one, but this time the valley
girl says that she would like to help, but that she doesn't want to get
all sweaty, so she tells him to wait there, and she will go and get some
help, "Like stay there like, and like I will like go and like get someone
to like help like."
The narrator asks the kids if that was
a skit about giving of yourself, and why it was not. (It wasn't because
she didn't want to help him herself and get sweaty.) He then introduces
skit number two.
Skit 3:
Same as skit one, but this time the valley
girl says that she would like to help, but that she doesn't want to get
all sweaty, so she puts on a mask, gown, rubber gloves and hands him a
stick to pull him up. They both leave.
The narrator asks the kids if that was
a skit about giving of yourself, and why it was not. (It wasn't because
even though she helped him, she did it in a very offish, impersonal way.)
He then introduces skit number three.
Skit 4:
Same as skit one, but this time the valley
girl does help him and doesn't worry about all the sweat.
The narrator asks the kids if that was
a skit about giving of yourself, and why it was. (It was because
she helped.)
(For a variation, you can have the nerd
drop the weights on his fingers, on his toes, or lift the weights over
his head and fall down backwards hurting himself.)