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Greetings in the name of our Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ. If you are like me, you are probably tired of forking
out a lot of money for curriculum that is just
not worth it !!! I know that many of you have good ideas
and quality programs, but you need some new and
fresh ideas to use every once in a while. God has put on my
heart to write down some of the best ideas we have had in the past 15 years,
to pass them on to others. Jesus said, "Freely ye have received, freely
give", and being the God didn't charge us for the ideas He gave, we aren't
going to charge, but give to others what He has given to us.
We also suggest, and ask that you come
up with your own names in the place of the names you will find on the following
pages. This will allow for your Children's Church to be unique,
and fitted to your own personalities and characters. If every church had
a puppet with the same name, yet they all looked and sounded different,
this would seem strange to a child who might visit your church on one particular
If you have enjoyed this curriculum, please
feel free to duplicate it and give
it to others. This ministry's purpose is to get kids to Jesus, and to get
the words of Jesus to the kids. Also, if you have any ideas you would like
to share, please send them in, and we gladly will pass them on.
Peter says in II Peter 1:12-15 that he
continually put the people in remembrance of God's truths even though they
already knew them and were established in those truths, so that when he
would go on to be with the Lord, the people would have those truths firmly
and deeply rooted in their minds. In the same way, we in the Children's
Ministry need to continually put our kids in remembrance of Jesus and His
truths, even though they think they
know it all and are established in those truths, so that when they leave
our Sunday School, they will always have these truths firmly and deeply
rooted in them, and be able to stand strong in the faith of their Lord
and Savior Jesus Christ.
If you have found this curriculum helpful,
or if you haven't, please email us and let us know what you think. Your
opinion is not only desired, but needed.
Now, God bless you as you minister unto
God's children.
10. GAME |
This is just a basic out-line of how we
have found it best to run a children’s church service. Don’t be bound to
follow it strictly, but be open and allow God to show you what He would
have you to do. |
Puppet Skit : 69
Clunky comes up wearing a disguise. You
ask Clunky what he is doing and he tells you that his name isn’t Clunky,
it is Bud. You play along with him and say, "Well, Bud, it is nice to have
you in church this morning." Clunky doesn’t pay attention to you and is
looking around nervously. Again, you say, "Hey, Bud, it is really nice
to have you visit our church today" and this time grab Clunky by the shoulder.
Clunk looks at you and says, "Are you talking to me?" You say, "Your name
is Bud isn’t it?" Clunk says, "My name isn’t Bud, its … oh, wait, yeah,
my name is Bud." Clunky then sneezes, knocking off his hat and disguise.
You tell him that you thought it was he, and then ask him what he is doing.
Clunky tells you he is hiding from the Pastor. He tells you that he was
pulling up to the church parking lot this morning on his tricycle, when
he saw Hannah driving up. (Hannah is one of the girls in children’s church
that Clunky likes and teases.) Clunky then tells you that while he was
staring Hannah, he accidentally ran into Pastor’s car with his tricycle.
You tell him that he needs to be more careful when he is riding his trike,
but it was an accident, and you are sure Pastor will forgive him if he
will just go talk to him. Clunky tells you he tried to go and talk to him.
He says that as he was walking down the hall to Pastor’s office, he stopped
in front of his office door and took the gum out of his mouth. He tells
you that he didn’t want the pastor to think he was impolite or rude. He
says that he then noticed his shoe lace was untied, and while he was bending
over to tie it, Pastor came out and didn’t see him and tripped over him.
Clunky tells you that he was going to try and help Pastor, but as he was
trying to help him up, he realized that the gum was still in my hand, so
he let go of Pastor’s hand causing him to fall down backwards, banging
his head against the wall. Clunky tells you that is when he ran and hid.
"So after he fell down, you turned and ran the other direction down the
hall?" "Not quite" says Clunky, "his office is at the end of the hall,
and the only way out was through him." "So you jumped over Pastor and ran
away?" "Boy," says Clunk, "jumping over him would have probably been a
good idea. Actually, I kind of more like ran over him." You tell Clunky
that you can understand why he would be worried, but again, all those things
were just accidents. You tell him that if he would just go to Pastor and
apologize, you are sure Pastor will forgive him. "Beside," you tell him,
"it would be a shame to have to wear a disguise and cover such a handsome
face for the rest of your life." Clunky realizes you are right about both
facts, that Pastor will probably forgive him, and it would be a shame to
cover such a handsome face. "That would be punishing all the girls in children’s
church if they couldn’t see my face again." Clunky decides that you are
right, and decides to leave to go practice what he is going to say to Pastor.
(Take time to think of some other funny
things that can happen to Pastor.)
Skit : 11
(You will need a narrator and two nerds.)
The Narrator comes out and tells the kids
that they are going to watch four skits on forgiveness. He then introduces
skit number one.
Skit 1:
Nerd A comes out dressed as a tourist,
pretending that he is looking around at all the beautiful sights. While
he is doing this, Nerd B comes out looking at the sights, but notices that
his shoe lace is untied, so he bends over to tie his shoe right behind
Nerd A. Nerd A begins to back up, trips over Nerd B, falls to the ground
and hurts himself. Both nerds get up, and Nerd B begins to apologize, but
Nerd A gets mad and begins to call him names and push him around saying
how stupid he is to bend over and tie his shoe right behind someone. Both
nerds leave.
The narrator then asks the kids if that
was a skit about forgiveness, and why it was not. (It wasn't forgiveness,
because he pushes him and calls him names.) He then introduces skit number
Skit 2:
Both nerds come out just like in skit one,
but this time when they get up, Nerd A yells at Nerd B, calling him names
and saying, "I ought to hit you for what you did, but because I am such
a forgiving guy, I won' dummy." Both nerds leave.
The narrator then asks the kids if that
was a skit about forgiveness, and why it was not. (It wasn't forgiveness,
because even though he doesn't push him, he still calls him names.) He
then introduces skit number three.
Skit 3:
Same as one and two, but this time Nerd
A tells Nerd B not to worry about it, he is not going to hit him or call
him names, but that as long as he lives, he will never forget his face,
and what he has done to him. Both nerds leave.
The narrator then asks the kids if that
was a skit about forgiveness, and why it was not. (It wasn't forgiveness,
because he said he would never forget it.) He then introduces skit number
Skit 4:
Same as skits one, two and three, but when
they both get up, Nerd B apologizes for what he has done, and Nerd A tells
him not to worry about it, that mistakes happen, and then asks Nerd B if
he is hungry, and would be interested in going to lunch with him, his treat.
Both nerds leave.
The narrator then asks the kids if that
was a skit about forgiveness, and why. (It was forgiveness, because he
totally forgave him.)
Story : Genesis 3:1-9
Adam and Eve Hid from God. Though God knew
where they were, he called out, "Where are you?" God wanted Adam not to
hide from him, but to come to him.
Verse : Simon RePeter
I John 1:9
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful
and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
RePeter :
Simon RePeter is a hairy puppet who comes
to Children's Church to teach the kids the memory verse. He comes up, tells
the children his name and that they are to repeat after him. He then begins
to say parts of the memory verse, giving the children time to repeat it.
This has a lot of opportunity for fun and silliness with the kids repeating
everything Simon says. In the end though, the children have repeated the
memory verse several times, and consequently have learned it.
: Quickly review the Bible story, memory verse, and skits.
What is the memory verse?
Was skit one a skit on forgiveness?
Why wasn’t it?
Was skit two a skit on forgiveness?
Why wasn’t it?
Was skit three a skit on forgiveness?
Why wasn’t it?
Was skit four a skit on forgiveness?
Why was it?
Why was Clunky hiding?
Why was Adam hiding from God?
How did Adam try to hide from God?
Did God know where Adam was?
Sermon points :
1. |
God called for Adam because God wanted
Adam to come to him so he could forgive him. |
2. |
When God forgives, he doesn’t hurt us,
he doesn’t call us names, he doesn’t even remember the sins we have done
anymore. Like skit four, when God forgives us, he forgives us completely. |
3. |
When we sin, instead of hiding like Adam
and Clunky, we need to run to God, knowing that he will forgive us. |
4. |
God is calling us today, just like he
called Adam 6000 years ago. |
5. |
If you have sinned and are hiding from
God, lets go to him today and confess our sins. |
6. |
Altar call. |
5. JOSHUA SKIT * part 1
8. JOSHUA SKIT * part 2
11. GAME |
Puppet Skit : 32
Clunky comes up dressed like Simon Clunker,
the great witnesser for Jesus. You ask him what he is doing, and he explains
to you that he listened to what the pastor had to say about witnessing,
and so he went out and tried it, and it kind of worked. You ask, "Kind
of worked?" Clunk says yeah, that he witnessed to some guy, and he hasn't
accepted Jesus yet, but he said he wants to hear more about it. So now,
Clunk is going to start his trek in life as Simon Clunker, the great evangelist
for Jesus, and tell others about Jesus. Clunk leaves with your encouragement.
Clunk comes back later dressed normally,
but wearing dark sun glasses and sniffling. You ask what is the matter,
and Clunk tells you to take off the glasses. Clunk has a big black eye,
and you ask what happened. Clunk explains that he started to witness to
this guy, but he just walked away, so he started after him to witness some
more, and the guy told him to leave him alone or else, and then walks away
again, so Clunk once more goes after him, and the guy told him he didn't
want to hear about any of this Jesus stuff, and punched him in the eye.
Clunk then tells you that he isn't Simon Clunker the great witnesser for
Jesus, but just plain Clunk the failure. You explain to Clunk that just
because someone doesn't want to hear about Jesus and hits him, doesn't
mean he is a failure. Then list what happened to the Apostles, and tell
him that he is in very good company, and not to get discouraged, but to
keep it up being Clunk, the witnesser for Jesus.
List of what happened to the Apostles:
Peter - crucified
Andrew - crucified
Philip - crucified
Simon (Zealots) - crucified
Thaddeus - crucified
Bartholomew - beaten and crucified
James the less - beaten and stoned
Thomas - speared
Matthew - slain with a halberd (a type
of battle-ax)
James - beheaded
Stephen - stoned
Skit : 14
(Characters : Joshua, Mom, Sis, and Bully.)
Josh and Sis come in playing while Mom
cleans, and begin talking about the service at church, and about how important
it is to witness. Josh decides he is going to witness to Bully, and asks
Mom if he can come over for some cookies and witnessing. Mom says yes,
so Josh calls Bully, and asks him to come over for some cookies and ball,
"Hello Bully buddy ole pal, this is Joshua, and I .... what? Joshua. Anyway
buddy, I wanted to know if ... what? Joshua Christianson. Like I was saying,
wanted to know if you would... what? Joshua, the kid that you beat up after
school everyday. No the other one, yeah yeah, the one you stepped on yesterday.
Anyway, I wanted to know if you wanted to come over and eat some cookies
and play some ball? What? My mom is baking the cookies now. Huh? Does she
bake good cookies? Don't ask me, you're the one who always takes them from
me at lunch and eats them. Yeah, those cookies. All right, I will see you
in about one hour. Bye." They all leave to get ready.
Later, Josh and Sis come back in expecting
Bully at any time. Bully knocks at the door, and Josh lets him in. Bully
asks, "Where are the cookies?" Josh tells him that they will get to the
cookies, but first he wants to tell him about Jesus. Bully gets mad and
steps on Josh's foot, then hits him on the top of the head. Bully leaves,
and Mom comes in asking what happened. Sis explains, and Mom asks him if
he is all right. Josh says that his foot and head hurt, but that for some
strange reason, he feels good. Mom tells him that he has acted just like
the Apostles, being persecuted for Jesus. Sis tells him that he is brave.
Josh says, "Boy, I am just like one of the Apostles." Mom says, "Don't
let that go to your head now." Josh replies, "Don't worry Mom, nothing
has ever gotten into this head." They all leave.
Story : Acts 5:12-42
Verse : Nerds
Matt 5:11-12
"Blessed are ye, when men shall revile
you, and persecute you…for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for
great is your reward in heaven."
(You will need a nerd, a burglar, and the
memory verse written down on pieces of wood or cards.)
The nerd comes out and sets up the memory
verse in order. He then tells the kids his name, and that he is supposed
to teach them the verse. He has the kids say the verse with him. He then
steps in front of the table with the memory verse on it and begins to talk
about the verse. While he is doing this, the burglar comes out and takes
one of the words to the verse. The kids will yell and tell the nerd that
someone is taking one of the words, but he just ignores them. The nerd
turns around to go over the verse again with the kids, and notices that
one of the words is now gone. He accuses some of the kids of taking the
word, and then has them all say the verse with him again. Once more he
steps up to talk to the kids, and the burglar comes out and takes one of
the words. Again he turns and finds one of the words gone. He accuses the
kids, and then has them say it with him. This time, he listens to what
the kids are saying, that someone came from behind the stage and took the
words. The nerd decides to go investigate and goes behind the stage to
find the robber. While he is walking behind the stage, the person comes
out the other side and takes one of the words. The nerd then comes back
out, and now finds another word missing. He has the kids say the verse
with him, and then asks them which way the burglar went. This time he goes
around the right side of the stage, and the burglar comes around the left
and takes one of the words. The nerd comes out and finds another word gone.
He has the kids say the verse with him, but this time will not listen to
the kids when they say he is behind the stage. The burglar comes out and
stands right behind the nerd, and the kids yell and tell him. The nerd
turns around to look, but the burglar turns with him so that the nerd doesn't
see him. This happens a couple of times, until the burglar finally takes
one of the words and leaves.
You may do many different variations to
this until all of the words are gone, and the kids have memorized the memory
verse. (Have the burglar knock on the right side of the stage, and when
the nerd comes to see, the burglar goes out the left side and takes the
word. Or have the burglar crawl on the ground, and when the nerd looks,
he doesn't see him.)
: Quickly review the Bible story, memory verse, and skits.
What is the memory verse?
What happened when Clunky witnessed to
the first person?
What happened when Clunky witnessed to
the second person?
Who did Joshua decide to witness to?
What happened when Josh tried to witness
to Bully?
How did Joshua feel afterwards?
What happened to the apostles when they
Can you remember how some of the apostles
were killed?
Sermon points :
1. |
Sometimes when we tell people about Jesus,
they will not want to hear about him. |
2. |
Sometimes when we tell people about Jesus,
they will even get mad and strike out at us. |
3. |
Jesus said that if they persecuted him,
they will persecute us also. |
4. |
Don’t be afraid of witnessing. If people
get mad at you, just remember that they also got mad at Jesus and at the
apostles. |
5. |
The only way for people to go to heaven
is to accept Jesus. We need to continue to witness to them, even if they
might get mad. |
6. |
Lets decide to witness. And if someone
does get mad at you, be like the apostles and Joshua and be happy. |
9. GAME |
Tell your
kids you love them.
I cannot stress this enough. If they learn
nothing else from your children’s church the most important thing they
can learn is that you love them. You represent God, which means if you
love them, God must love them too. |
Story : Joshua 7 & 8
Skit : 37
(Characters : Joshua, Mom, Sis, and Billy.)
Joshua comes home with a paper that says
he is getting a D- in English class. He has to have Mom sign it, so he
tries to slip it past her while she is busy, but Mom stops and asks what
she just signed. Josh casually tells her, "It was just a note to show how
I is doing in English class, nothing important." Mom says, "How I am doing
Josh. It is how I am doing. Now let me see it." Josh reluctantly shows
her, and Mom gets upset at Josh and tells him that he had better get his
grades up or that she will be forced to take him off the baseball team,
take away his Nintedo, and then give him a spanking as well. Mom and Josh
leave to go to his room and look at his homework assignment.
(Someone comes out with a sign that says
"One Week Later".)
Josh comes out playing with Billy. They
talk about how fun baseball practice was, with Billy laughing at Josh because
of how bad he was at catching the ball. Billy rehearses Josh's goof up,
running around in circles, acting like he gets hit in the head with the
ball, and then laughs even harder every time he looks at Josh. Billy then
asks Josh if he wants to go and hit some more balls out back. Josh says
he can't until he gets his homework done first. He tells Billy that he
just doesn't understand his homework assignment. Billy tells him that if
he would like, he would be more than willing to help Josh with his homework,
and then they could go out and hit the ball. Josh thinks that is great,
being that Billy gets an A in English. The two boys leave to go study with
Billy still laughing.
(Someone comes out with a sign that says
"Three Week Later".)
Later, Mom comes in with Josh and Sis fighting
as usual. Joshua tells Sis to give him his baseball back, and Sis says,
"Here catch. Oops, maybe I should just hand it to you instead" and begins
to imitate Josh running in circles and then getting hit in the head with
the ball. Josh chases her, and Sis runs behind Mom. Mom tells them to quit
fighting with each other, and then asks if they would like to go to Skatetown
for the Christian Skate Night. Sis quickly says yes, but Josh disappointedly
tells Mom that he has to do his homework. Mom tells Josh that he could
skip it for one night, but Josh tells her that his essay on "Who is Your
Favorite Hero and Why" is due tomorrow, and that he put Jesus as his favorite
hero. He knows that the teacher will have to read it, so he really wants
to make it extra special, and besides, they have their final test tomorrow
as well. Mom tells him that she will drop Sis at Skatetown, and will then
come back with a pizza and help Josh with his essay and studying. Sis complains
saying, "How come Josh gets pizza?" And Mom asks her if she would like
to stay and have pizza and help Josh with his homework, or go skating?
Sis says skating, and they all leave.
(Someone comes out with a sign that says
"Report card Day".)
Joshua comes in with a backpack and lunch
pail calling for Mom. She comes in and Josh hands her a piece of paper
he thinks is his report card. Mom reads out loud, "Dear Josh, You are the
cutest boy..." Josh quickly grabs it and says, "Wrong paper" and then hands
her his report card. She reads and finds that Josh got a B- in his English
class. Mom is excited, and Josh hands her another piece of paper. Mom reads
it, and finds out that Josh made the honor roll for the first time. Joshua
then hands her one last note written from the teacher...
Dear Mrs. Christianson,
I would just like to take this time to
compliment you and your son Joshua on how hard he has worked, how well
he has behaved, and what a pleasure it was to have him in my class. I would
also like to tell you what a pleasure it was to read Joshua's essay on
Jesus being his favorite hero and why. It was so inspiring. My husband
and I have been looking for a good church to go to, and I was thinking,
it would be nice to come and visit your church maybe this Sunday.
Again, you should be very proud of your
Sincerely, Mrs. Rusbroom
Mom is so proud of Josh that she asks him
if he would like to maybe go to the store and buy a new game for his computer.
Mom and Josh leave.
Verse : Mr. Sin
Romans 8:28
"And we know that all things work together
for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to
his purpose."
Mr. Sin
Mr. Sin is a human puppet who is dressed
to look like a bad person. His goal in life is to try and keep the children
from learning the memory verse.
We write our week's memory verse on five
or six balloons, and then tape them to the puppet stage. One of the teachers
comes up front and has the children say the memory verse with them. Mr.
Sin then comes up, and tries to convince the children to not listen to
the teacher, but to listen to him and not say the memory verse. He then
pops one of the balloons, and leaves thinking he has ruined it for the
children. (We put a pin on Mr. Sin's chin for him to pop the balloons with.)
The teacher then has the children say the memory verse with one of the
words now gone. Mr. Sin comes back up angry, and again tries to get the
kids to listen to him, and not say the memory verse. He asks the kids if
they really believe in what the Bible says, and the children without any
coercion from the teacher will answer yes. When he fails, he again pops
one of the balloons and leaves thinking that they surely won't be able
to say the memory verse now. This goes on for as many balloons as you have.
When the last balloon is popped, Mr. Sin leaves for good, but the children
have memorized the memory verse.
Puppet Skit : 64
(Before service, make a short badly made
video of Clunky stealing candy from a store. Shoot it from high looking
down at Clunk as if it were a store security camera.)
At the beginning of the service, Clunky
comes up and tells about the new job he got down at the corner store, and
how cool it is. He also boasts on how good an employee he is. He then leaves
so that you can start the service.
Later in the service, the store keeper
comes to church and asks for Clunky. Clunky comes up, and the store keeper
tells him that he is fired for of stealing. Clunky plays innocent and says
he didn't do it, but the store keeper tells Clunk that the hidden security
camera recorded him taking some candy, and asks the person in the back
to play the video. (Show the prerecorded video.) He tells Clunky he thought
being he was a Christian he could be trusted not to steal, yet alone lie,
and that his opinion of Clunky and Christians has been lowered. He tells
Clunk that he is sorry and then leaves to go back to the store, telling
Clunky that he will never get another job in this town. Clunk follows the
store keeper off stage trying to say it was a set up, that it was someone
who looked like Clunk but that it wasn't him. Clunky comes back up and
tells you that it was a set up. You just look at Clunk and tell him that
it wasn't a setup, but that he did something wrong and luckily got caught.
Clunk looks at you and says, "Luckily?" and you say, "Yes, luckily!" Clunk,
not knowing what to do, asks for your advice. You tell Clunky that he needs
to return to the store, admit to his mistake, apologize for lying, and
then not only apologize for taking the candy, but pay for it. Clunky asks
you, "Why should I do all that when I am already fired?" You tell him that
he needs to do it because it is the right thing to do as well as the Christian
thing to do. Clunk agrees and leaves.
Clunky comes back later in the service
happy and tells you that it worked. When asked what he means, Clunk tells
you that he apologized and paid him the fifty cents for the candy bar.
He says, "The store keeper told me I didn't have to pay for it, but I told
him that I felt bad for stealing and that whether or not he would have
me back, I just had to pay him for it. I then told him that if he would
take me back, I would not only not steal anymore, but would be the bestest
and hardest worker he has ever had." Clunk tells you that the store keeper
told him that he has never had anyone actually come back like that and
apologize and even pay for the wrong that he did. Clunky says that the
store keeper gave him his job back, and wants to sit down and talk to him
more about this Christianity stuff. You tell Clunk that the Bible says
that God can bring good out of all situations even when we do wrong.
: Quickly review the Bible story, memory verse, and skits.
Sermon points :
1. |
God is able to take the bad things in
life and turn them around for good. |
2. |
Sometimes bad things happen in our lives
because of our own sins, and sometimes the bad things just happen. But
if we will put our trust in God, he can turn them around. |
3. |
Tell of a situation in your own life where
God was able to turn something bad into something good. |
4. |
Ask the kids if they have any testimonies
of how God turned a bad situation into something good. |
5. |
Give the kids a chance to pray, and ask
God to begin to work in a bad situation they may be in. |
Puppet Skit : 38
Some other puppet comes up and asks if
he can make an announcement. You ask him why and he tells you, "I was walking
into the church, when I noticed a camera lying on the ground out on the
parking lot. It was about ready to get run over when I went over and picked
it up. I looked at the camera and read the name on the back of it, and
went to the ushers to ask whose it is, and where they would be. The usher
told me that the person who owns the camera will be in the Children's Church,
so here I am with the camera, ready to give it back to whoever it belongs."
You tell him to go ahead and give the announcement. He says "Would (your
name) come to the front and pick up your camera that was left out in the
parking lot?" You tell him that it is yours. He looks at you and tells
you that you look a little too old to be a kid in children's church. You
tell him that you teach it. He gives you the camera, telling you not to
be so careless next time, because a kind and good looking puppet may not
be there to help out. You try and explain that it wasn't your fault and
he says "sure" and then leaves. You turn to the kids and explain how that
you lent the camera to Clunky to borrow, and now you're going to have to
have a little talk to Clunk. You yell for him, and he comes up. You then
tell him that you want to take a picture of the kids, and you need your
camera for just a minute. Clunk begins to panic but then begins to tell
a long line of lies.
Clunk, "Ahh umm oh, Pastor saw me with
the camera and asked if he could borrow it."
You, "I will go and get it from Pastor
Clunk, "You can't, because he is in the
middle of his sermon."
You, "I will wait until after church,
then talk to him."
Clunk, "Ahh, he doesn't have it anymore."
You, "Why not?"
Clunk, "He lent it out to a missionary.
You, "I will go get it from the missionary."
Clunk, "You can't because the missionary
already left for his country."
You, "I will call him and have him send
it back."
Clunk, "Ahhh, they don't have telephones
where he lives."
You, "I will write him a letter then."
Clunk, "Now I remember, I heard that the
missionary lost his luggage and your camera."
You, "Then I will call the airlines and
get it from them."
Clunk, "Didn't you hear the news? The
lost and found airplane was hijacked by ... "
You finally stop him, and tell him that
you have your camera. Clunk says, "Wow, a miracle." You begin to talk to
him about lying, how that usually one lie leads to another, which leads
to yet another, and that the best policy is to be honest in the first place.
Clunk apologizes and comes clean.
Story : Genesis 37 and Genesis 42:13
Genesis 42.13 "And they said, Thy servants
are twelve brethren, the sons of one man in the land of Canaan; and, behold,
the youngest is this day with our father, and one is not.
The ten brothers told the lie about Joseph
being killed for so long, they even believed it themselves. But eventually,
their lie caught up with them.
Skit : 35
(Characters : Joshua, Mom, Sis, and
Billy .)
Joshua, Sis and Billy come out talking
about the possibility of going over to Billy’s house for a slumber party
next Friday. As they are talking about all the fun they are going to have,
Mom comes in and they ask her for permission go. Mom tells them that they
cannot. She reminds them of the trouble they got into when they spent the
night as Ashlee’s house, and tells them that until they can prove to her
that they will behave themselves, they cannot go over to anyone’s house
to spend the night. Mom then apologizes to Billy and leaves. The kids are
upset and begin to make up a plan on how they can fool Mom into letting
them spend the night. Their plan is to lie to Mom telling her that they
are going to a baseball game, and ask her permission to go there.
(Someone comes out with a sign that says,
"Friday Night at Billy’s House.")
The kids come back out, and are acting
like they are playing on Billy’s bed (a table with blankets and pillows).
They decide it is time to call up Mom and lie to her about being at the
game. Sis does the talking and tells her that the baseball game is going
into extra innings. She asks if they can spend the night at Billy’s house
rather than to go home being it is so late. While Sis is talking to Mom
on the phone, Josh and Billy are making baseball noises like; "Hey batter
batter." "Peanuts, Popcorn, Goulash?" And other sounds like the crowd screaming
and clapping. Mom believes them and tells them that it is OK with her if
it is OK with Billy’s Mom. As soon as they hang up, Josh falls off the
bed and hurts himself (we like to use ketchup hidden behind the bed to
make it look like Josh really hurt himself). They call Mom back up and
tell her Josh just got hurt, and ask her to come and pick them up. Mom
asks which gate they will be at, but they tell her that they are at Billy’s
house. Mom hangs up the phone to go get them, the kids leave to go meet
They come back into the house with Sis
saying, "Boy the traffic was terrible, wasn’t it Mom?" Mom doesn’t answer.
Josh tells Mom, "Boy, its a good thing I only sprained my leg and didn’t
break it, huh Mom?" Again Mom doesn’t answer. The kids look at each other
afraid because they know they lied and that they are in trouble. Mom finally
speaks up and tells the kids that she is disappointed at them and doesn’t
know what to say. She tells them she bought tickets to the fair, but for
their punishment she will now give them to their cousins. The kids tell
her that they are sorry and that they will never do it again. She thanks
them for apologizing, but tells them that it will be a long time before
she will ever be able to trust either one of them. Mom then leaves. Josh
tells Sis, "I don’t know which punishment is worse, not going to the fair,
or not having my own mom trust me any more." Sis says, "I am never going
to tell a lie again." Both kids leave.
: Quickly review the Bible story and skits.
Where did the puppet find the camera?
Who did the teacher lend the camera to?
What did Clunky say happened to the camera?
What happened to Clunky’s lies? (They
kept getting bigger and bigger.)
Where did Josh and Sis want to go on Friday
What was Mom’s answer when they asked
What did Joshua and Sis decide to do?
What happened after Sis called mom?
What did Joshua say was as bad a punishment
as not going to the fair?
What did the ten sons of Jacob tell Pharaoh
happened to their brother Joseph?
Who was Pharaoh?
Sermon points :
1. |
Lies almost always grow. Usually when
we tell one, we have to tell another, then another, then another. |
2. |
Lies also tear apart trust. You cannot
trust a liar, because he may be lying. |
3. |
Liars usually get caught. Sometimes you
can get away with a lie for a short time, but eventually our lies catch
up to us. The ten sons of Jacob had told the lie about Joseph being killed
for so long, they actually believed it. But eventually it caught up with
them. |
4. |
Lies almost always hurt us in the end.
Sometimes telling the truth will cause us a little bit of hurt at first,
but in the end it is always best. |
5. |
What kind of person do you want to be?
Truthful, so that people will trust and like you. Or a liar, so that no
one, not even your own mom will trust you? |
9. JOSHUA SKIT * part 1
11. JOSHUA SKIT * part 2
14. GAME |
Let your kids
be kids.
One thing I have heard a lot of in children’s
ministry is that we are preparing the kids for adult service. Truth be
told, I am not. I am preparing the kids for God. I personally think God
likes kids to be kids (his son was once a kid). And when the Pharisees
complained about how the kids worshipped, Jesus said it was perfected praise.
So many times we as adults lose the joy and fun of worshipping and dancing
and playing and yes even yelling, which last I read was biblical (see Jericho).
Let all things be done decently and in order, but let the kids be kids. |
Puppet Skit : 19
Before Clunky comes up, we hear in the
background "It's a bird, it's a plane, it's SUPER CLUNK." Clunk then comes
up dressed as Super Clunk, wearing a red cape and mask. Clunk says he has
been watching TV and saw a show with his most favorite super-hero, "Super
Guy" and he decided that he is going to be just like him. Clunk leaves
saying, "Up, up, and away..." (When Clunk leaves, he acts like he is flying
out.) Clunk comes up later in the service, and says to the kids quietly,
"I was sitting around dressed up as mild mannered newspaper reporter, 'Clunk
Clark', when my super-hero ears heard a noise outside. I, Super Clunk,
deducted that it must be a burglar trying to steal all of the church's
money." (The whole time Clunk is talking, he is looking around.) "Everyone
be very quiet while I, Super Clunk, look for and find the burglar, saving
the day." He looks around for a while, and then hears the sound of a kitty
cat. Clunk looks down and says, "Kitty, what are you doing out here?" He
then looks at the kids and says "Oh well, I, Super Clunk, must be going
to save the world elsewhere. Super Clunk, up, up, and away..." Clunk can't
budge, so he looks back and asks kitty to please get off his cape. He then
tries again. Clunk leaves. Once again, we hear in the background "Faster
than a speeding bullet, more stronger than a Choo Choo Train, able to leap
tall lunch pails in a single bound. It's a bird, it's a plane, it's Super
Clunk." Clunk comes up and tells the kids, "I, Super Clunk, was walking
around, when I went into the kitchen and saw that the stove was on, letting
gas into the room, which then could have been ignited, blowing up the kitchen,
the church, and maybe even the whole world. But I, Super Clunk, was there
to turn off the stove, and save the day." While Clunk is standing there
talking to the kids, someone comes to the back of the class, telling the
kids that they were baking cookies for everyone, but someone turned off
the oven, and ruined the cookies. Clunk leaves quietly. Finally Clunk comes
up and isn't wearing all of his super-hero outfit, and is all bummed out.
You ask him what is the matter, and he tells you that he is a failure at
being a super-hero. You tell Clunk that he hasn't failed, but has in many
ways acted like the greatest super-hero of them all. Clunk is confused,
and you explain that Jesus is the greatest of all super-heroes, and that
when Clunk tells someone about Jesus, and they ask Jesus into their hearts,
he is doing the greatest super-hero feat of them all. Clunk understands,
and decides that he is really going to do some super-hero work, and go
tell Billy Baily the bully about Jesus. Clunk leaves.
Verse : Simon RePeter
1 Corinthians 11:1
"Be ye followers of me, even as I also
am of Christ."
RePeter :
Simon RePeter is a hairy puppet who comes
to Children's Church to teach the kids the memory verse. He comes up, tells
the children his name and that they are to repeat after him. He then begins
to say parts of the memory verse, giving the children time to repeat it.
This has a lot of opportunity for fun and silliness with the kids repeating
everything Simon says. In the end though, the children have repeated the
memory verse several times, and consequently have learned it.
Story : Exodus 24:13, 32:17, 33:11
(We often see when God is speaking to Moses,
Joshua is there as well.)
Skit : 25
(Characters : Joshua and Billy. You will
need a TV, a VCR, and a prerecorded news announcement.)
Josh comes out, looks at his watch, and
then calls up Billy asking him if he wants to come over and watch the ball
game on TV. He also asks him if he wants to come a little early to play
a little ball before the TV game begins. Billy comes over, and as the boys
begin to play, they get into an argument about who gets to pretend to be
Johnny Money (a pretend superstar athlete who is playing on the TV game).
They get mad at each other, but then stop and excitedly turn on the TV
because the game is about to start. There is a news flash (done earlier
on a tape, or someone behind the stage with a microphone) that says, "We
have just learned that the great superstar Johnny Money was arrested last
night in connection with selling drugs to teenagers. We repeat, the great
super star Johnny Money was arrested last night in connection with selling
drugs to teenagers. Consequently he will not be playing on today's televised
game." The boys turn off the TV and then get into another argument saying,
"OK, your Johnny Money" and the other saying, "Oh no, you wanted to be
him." They then leave still arguing.
: Quickly review the Bible story, memory verse, and skits.
What is the memory verse?
What did Clunky want to be?
What are some of the ways Clunky goofed
up trying to be a super hero?
Why was Clunky sad?
Why was Clunky a truly super hero?
Who did Joshua and Billy want to be?
What happened to Johnny Money?
What were Josh and Billy arguing about
at the end of the skit?
Sermon points :
1. |
Paul says in 1 Corinthians 11:1 "Be ye
followers of me, even as I also am of Christ." |
2. |
It is OK to have heroes, people we respect
and follow. But we need to make sure our heroes are Godly heroes. |
3. |
Joshua followed Moses, Elisha followed
Elija, Silas and Timothy followed Paul, and the apostles followed Jesus.
And these heroes had a positive influence in their lives. |
4. |
When we are like Joshua and Billy and
make heroes out of someone because they are a movie star or good at sports
but who don’t follow Jesus, they will inevitably let us down. |
5. |
The greatest hero we can have is Jesus.
And there is no greater heroic act than to be like Jesus and tell someone
about God and save a life from eternal death. |
9. GAME |
Birth Puppet Skit : 1
We hear Big Birtha talking about quitting,
and giving up. You come up front and call for her, and Birtha comes up
and asks what you want. You then ask her what is the matter. She tells
you she realized that her parents aren't Christians, and that she needs
to witness to them so that they can become born again just like her. You
tell her that is a very good idea, but she says that it didn’t work. She
tells you, "I went to my mom first and told her, ’Unless you accept Jesus,
and become like me, you are going to H E double popsickle sticks’ and she
told me to go wash my mouth out with soap. So I went to my dad to tell
him about Jesus. But before I went, I figured I would read my Bible and
see if I could get any good ideas on how to do it. I read in the book of
Matthew about a man by the name of John the bathtub and how he witnessed.
Then I went to my Dad and said, 'Repent you snake, you viper' and he sent
me to my room without supper." You tell Birtha that she needs to continue,
and not quit. She tells you that she doesn’t like soap in her mouth, but
that she does like food, so she doesn't want to witness any more. You ask
her, "If your mom and dad don't accept Jesus into their heart, what will
happen?" She tells you that they will go to H E double popsickle sticks.
You then tell her that she needs to maybe change how she witnesses, to
be more lovable and sweet, but to continue to witness and not quit. Birtha
decides that you are right, and leaves to go try again.
Later in the service, Birtha comes back
and tells you, "I went to witness to my mother, but this time I was kind
and polite. My mother asked who was I, and what I did I do with her daughter."
She then tells you that she did the same with her father. You ask what
the result was, and she says that they haven't accepted the Lord yet, but
that they both did say they wanted to hear more. You encourage her, and
Birtha leaves excited, thinking about other nice things she can say and
do to witness to her parents.
Story : Genesis 37 - 47
Edword is a puppet who likes to try and
help tell the Bible story, but never seems to get it right. He always seems
to appear at the time of the Bible story, and consequently asks if he can
help out. Though he thinks he knows all of the stories by heart, he is
always goofing them up, which gives you a good opportunity to tell him,
and the children, how it really goes. When Edword begins to ramble on,
have the children get his attention by saying "Edword, Edword, Edword!!!"
Then you straighten him out.
Skit : 19
(You will need a narrator, two nerds, a
pocket protector, and a carnival game.)
The narrator comes out and tells the kids
that they are going to watch four skits on not giving up (or running the
race to win). He then introduces skit number one.
Skit 1:
The skit begins with Nerd A playing the
part of a carnival worker, running a carnival game. Nerd B comes out, and
Nerd A tries to convince him to play his game, and win a brand new pocket
protector. Nerd B looks at the game carefully, then turns and walks out
telling the kids that he is not going to win anyway, so he might as well
not even try. Nerd A chases him out.
The narrator asks the kids if that was
a skit on not giving up, and why it was not. (It wasn't, because he gave
up before he even gave it a chance.) He then introduces skit number two.
Skit 2:
Nerd A comes back out, playing the part
of the carnival worker, running his game. Nerd B comes out and Nerd A tries
to convince him to play his game, and win a brand new pocket protector.
Nerd B looks at the game carefully, and decides to give it a shot. He starts
to play, but then doesn't do very good, so he quits, accusing the carnival
worker of cheating, or the game being rigged. Both nerds leave.
The narrator asks the kids if that was
a skit on not giving up, and why it was not. (It wasn't, because he gave
up, coming up with excuses why he failed.) He then introduces skit number
Skit 3:
Same as skit 2, but this time when he starts
to play and doesn't do very good, he tries once more. Again he doesn't
do very well, so he quits, saying that he guesses it just wasn't God's
will for him to do good at that game.
The narrator asks the kids if that was
a skit on not giving up, and why it was not. (It wasn't, because he gave
up.) He then introduces skit number four.
Skit 4:
Same as skits 2 and 3, but this time when
he starts to play and doesn't do very good, he tries again, not doing very
well, but he keeps at it until he gets it right and wins the pocket protector.
Both nerds leave.
The narrator asks the kids if that was
a skit on not giving up, and why it was. (It was, because he kept on trying
until he finally got it right.)
: Quickly review the Bible story and skits.
What did Big Birtha realize she needed
to do?
What happened when Birtha tried to witness
to her parents?
What happened when Birtha persisted and
witnessed to her parents again?
What did the nerd do in skit one?
Why wasn’t that a skit on running the
race to win?
What did the nerd do in skit two?
Why wasn’t that a skit on running the
race to win?
What did the nerd do in skit three?
Why wasn’t that a skit on running the
race to win?
What did the nerd do in skit one?
Why was that a skit on running the race
to win?
Sermon points :
1. |
The Bible tells us that we are to run
the race to win. That means to try our very best, and not give up when
the going gets tough. Philippians 3:13&14, I Corinthians 9:24) |
2. |
Quickly tell a story of a favorite hero
of yours who continued through the face of adversity and won. |
3. |
More than anything, the devil wants us
to quit, or better yet not even try. |
4. |
If we never even try to witness to our
friends, they might never accept Jesus, and will never get to go to heaven? |
5. |
If we quit whenever we lose a game, we
would never become better. The great athletes when they lose, usually try
even harder the next time. |
6. |
If we quit witnessing and living for Jesus
every time we fail, we will never accomplish anything for God. But like
the great athletes, we need to try even harder next time. |
7. |
Like Joseph, when things go bad and we
want to quit, we need to just keep trusting in God, and in time things
will turn out. |
8. |
Challenge the kids to run the race of
Christianity to win. |
9. GAME |
Puppet Skit : 39
You come up front to tell the Bible Story,
when Clunky interrupts you. You ask Clunk what he wants, and he tells you
that you promised him that the next time you told a Bible Story, he could
help. You can try to talk him out of it, but to no avail, so you tell Clunk
that what you want him to do is to help by being a good example. You explain
that you want him to sit up straight and pay attention, and then have the
kids follow his example, and do what he does. You then tell the kids that
you want them to do whatever Clunky does. Clunk sits up straight, and you
begin to tell the story. While you are talking, Clunk begins to lean to
his left. (Hopefully, so will the kids.) You ask the kids what they are
doing, and then turn around to look at Clunk, who by this time is sitting
up straight again, and paying attention. You ask Clunk what the kids are
doing, and he says he doesn't know, but thinks that they ought to behave
themselves like him. You turn to the kids, and once again tell them to
sit up straight, and follow Clunky's example. (The kids will accuse Clunky,
but don't listen to them yet.) Again you start to tell the story, and this
time Clunk leans to his right, and so do the kids. Again you stop and ask
the kids what they are doing, and turn to find Clunk sitting up straight
and paying attention. You get after the kids, and so does Clunk, telling
them to behave, because this is an important Bible Story. You are impressed,
and agree with Clunk. (This can happen as often as you wish.) Once more
you begin to tell the story, and Clunk and the kids begin to lean, but
this time you turn and find Clunk leaning. You ask him what he is doing,
and he tells you "I...ahhh...I...dropped something on the floor, and I
am looking for it." You tell Clunk that if it has been him this whole time,
and the kids were doing what they were supposed to by following him, that
he is going to be in big trouble. Clunk tells you that it won't happen
again, and you begin for the last time to tell the story. Overcome by the
temptation, Clunk leans and you turn to catch him. Clunk tries to apologize,
but you tell him that he is going to have to get a spanking. You walk back
behind the stage with Clunk (so the kids can't see you) and Clunk begins
to scream and cry. You tell him that you haven't even spanked him yet,
and he says "I know, I am just practicing." You spank Clunk three times,
and then both of you come back out front, with Clunk softly crying. You
ask him "Now tell me, Clunk, why did I spank you?" and Clunk replies "Cause
you like hitting little kids." You say "Clunk!" and he answers "You spanked
me because you love me." You then begin to explain to Clunk and the kids
that the reason you spank is because you do love him and don't want him
to grow up to be bad. Clunk understands, and the two of you leave after
giving each other a hug.
Story : I Kings 12:1-24
Skit : 20
(Characters : Joshua, Mom, and Billy.)
Mom comes out complaining about mice, and
in front of the class, sets a mouse trap in a cookie jar. Josh and Billy
come in playing cops and robbers, running around shooting each other. They
stop playing and realize that they are very hungry and ask Mom if they
can have something to eat. Mom says no, and tells the boys that she is
going to the store to get something for supper, and will be back in just
a couple of minutes. Josh tells Mom that they will eat all of their supper
later, and asks if they can have one little cookie to tide them over until
then. Again, Mom says no, and as she leaves she tells the boys not to get
into the cookie jar, and she will have a special surprise for them when
she gets home. Mom leaves, and Josh and Billy start playing by the cookie
jar. Josh looks at it, and tells Billy that if they just have one tiny
little cookie, Mom will never know. He then tries to justify himself by
saying that if he has one cookie now, the next time Mom says he can have
a cookie, he won't eat one then. Billy tries to talk him out of it, but
Josh doesn't listen, and decides to take one. As he puts his hand into
the cookie jar, the mouse trap goes off, and just then Mom comes home from
the store. (Josh has something in his hand to set the mouse trap off with,
then puts his finger in the trap.) Josh tries to hide the trap behind his
back, and has a look of pain on his face. Mom asks him what he has behind
his back, and Josh plays around with her for a while, but then finally
shows her his hand and begins to cry, begging her to take it off. Mom takes
the trap off his hand, and then explains to Josh about obedience, that
she wasn't trying to be mean when she said he couldn't have a cookie, but
knew about the danger. She then shows him the special surprise they would
have gotten if they had obeyed her. Josh tells her he is sorry, and says
that he shouldn't have done it, because he really doesn't like those cookies
with the little chocolate chips on them that much anyway. Mom tells him
there were no chocolate chips in those cookies. They all leave with Josh
promising never to disobey Mom again.
Verse : Timothy
Deut 5:16
"Honour thy father and thy mother,
as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged,
and that it may go well with thee"
Timothy is a little boy who wants to learn
the memory verse, but because he is always in a hurry, he never really
takes the time to stop and learn it. Like the kids (and many adults) he
thinks that because he has heard it once, he knows it.
Timothy comes up front and asks the teacher
to tell him the memory verse because he wants to go and tell it to his
friend. The teacher tells him once, and Timothy quickly leaves to tell
his friend.
Timothy comes back up later in the service
and tells the teacher that he got to his friend's house, rang the doorbell,
and then forgot the memory verse. He asks the teacher to tell him again
because his friend is still waiting at the door. The teacher repeats the
verse to him, and he quickly leaves.
Timothy comes back up a couple more times
to have the teacher repeat to him the memory verse. Each time he gives
a different excuse on why he forgot it. In the end, the kids will have
heard the memory verse enough times that though Timothy hasn’t learned
it yet, they have.
: Quickly review the Bible story, memory verse, and skits.
Sermon points :
1. |
Deut 5:16 "Honour thy father and thy mother,
as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged,
and that it may go well with thee" |
2. |
Honoring our parents means not just obeying
them, but obeying them with a good attitude. |
3. |
This is the first commandment with a promise
… long life. If we obey our parents, then we are not going to get into
the trouble that Joshua found himself in. When we obey our parents, we
are not going to do the bad things that can get us hurt. |
4. |
The reason God tells us to honor and obey
our parents is because he knows that nobody loves us more than they do.
Our friends will tell us a lot of things, but they don’t always tell us
things that are good for us. We need to listen to our parents because they
care about us, and they usually know more than we or our friends know. |
5. |
When we do disobey our parents and they
discipline us, like Clunky was disciplined, it is because they love us
and don’t want us to continue to do bad things. |
6. |
God is the one who told us to obey our
parents. So when we disobey our parents, we are also disobeying God. |
7. |
Give the children a chance to pray and
ask God’s forgiveness for disobeying their parents. Then give them a chance
to decide to start obeying and honoring them from now on. |
Christmas cards
Are a great way to tell and show the kids
you love them. We like to send a "Candy Bar Coupon" bar with the Christmas
card. The kids bring the coupon back to church for their Christmas candy
bar. It shows our kids that we care about them, and it is a great evangelistic
tool for visitors. I have had kids come back with their Christmas coupons
three months later to get their candy bar, begging their parents the entire
three months to go back to church to get it. |
Tell the story of the Pilgrims.
Puppet Skit : 57
Clunky comes up and asks the kids where
Pastor Dan is. The kids tell him behind the stage, and Clunk looks down
and asks Pastor Dan if he can ask him a question. Pastor Dan says, "No."
Clunk tells him that he just wants to talk to him about a new game and
Pastor Dan says, "No." Clunk tells him that it is a cool game and Pastor
Dan says, "No." Clunk even tells him it is an educational game and it has
a Christian theme to it and Pastor Dan says, "No." Clunk asks him if all
he is going to say is no and Pastor Dan says, "No." Clunk then asks if
he is even listening to anything he is saying and Pastor Dan says, "No."
Clunk says, "Don't you think that you are the prettiest children's pastor
in the world and Pastor Dan says, "No." Clunk then asks Pastor Dan where
he is crawling off to, and Pastor Dan tells him to get away from him so
he doesn't have to listen to him whine about not getting the game. Clunk
yells at him as he is crawling away, "I don't need this abuse. There are
a lot of churches who would love to have a puppet like me, well, maybe,
not a lot, but I bet there are a couple." Clunk then leaves.
Later in the service, Clunk comes back
up with his coat on and his suit case packed, and one of the teachers comes
up and asks him where he is going. Clunk tells him, "I am leaving to find
a church where the children's pastor will love me and buy me cool toys,
unlike some children's pastors I know." (He yells this back behind the
stage at Pastor Dan.) The teacher asks Clunky if he thinks he is being
fair about all of this, and Clunk says yes, that he is taken for granted
and he is tired of always being left out, and that he knows a lot of other
puppets at other churches who are treated like kings. The teacher then
begins to talk about a lot of things that Clunky has, like his brand new
tricycle. Clunk tells him that the only reason he got that is because he
had to rake all the leaves, and that was a lot of hard work, especially
when he fell out of the tree three times. The teacher then tells Clunk
that he knows for a fact Pastor Dan was going to buy himself a new pair
of jeans, but decided he could wear his old pair for a couple more months
so that he could buy Clunk that trike. Clunk tells the teacher he didn't
know that. The teacher then asks Clunk about the party he had with his
puppet friends. Clunk tells him that he deserved that, and the teacher
tells Clunk that again he knows for a fact someone asked Pastor Dan if
he wanted to go to Disney Land with them, but he turned them down to have
that party for Clunk. Clunk tells him that he didn't know that either.
The teacher then tells Clunk that he also knows that Pastor Dan has already
bought the game for Clunky, but is going to give it to him for Christmas.
Clunk says, "Well, why didn't he just tell me?" And the teacher asks, "Would
you want him to ruin the surprise?" Clunk says, "Boy, I guess not." The
teacher then tells Clunk that instead of looking at what he doesn't have,
he needs to stop and look at what he does have and be thankful for them.
Clunk says, "You mean having a friend like Pastor Dan?" and the teacher
says, "Yeah." Clunk tells the teacher that he needs to leave to go find
Pastor Dan and apologize and thank him for all he has done. The teacher
tells him that is a good idea, and Clunky leaves asking the teacher not
to tell Pastor Dan that he knows about the game he got him for Christmas.
The teacher agrees.
Story : Luke 17:12-19
Skit : 31
(You will need a narrator, two nerds, and
a toy.)
The narrator comes out and tells the kids
that they are going to watch four skits on thanksgiving. He then introduces
skit number one.
Skit 1:
Nerd A comes out, then Nerd B comes out
and gives to Nerd A a gift. Nerd A begins to whine and complain about it
and then throws it on the ground and leaves. (He complains it is stupid,
or no longer in style, or the wrong color …etc.) Nerd B picks it up and
also leaves.
The narrator asks the kids if that was
a skit about thanksgiving, and why it was not. (It wasn't a skit on thanksgiving,
because he just whined and complained and threw the toy on the ground.)
He then introduces skit number two.
Skit 2:
Same as skit one, except this time Nerd
A rips the toy away from Nerd B and begins to play with it. A minute later
Nerd B asks if he can play with it too. Nerd A gets mad and tells him that
it is his toy, and then storms out. Nerd B quietly says, "You're welcome"
and leaves also.
The narrator asks the kids if that was
a skit about thanksgiving, and why it was not. (It wasn't a skit on thanksgiving,
because he was selfish and ungrateful to the one who gave him the toy.)
He then introduces skit number three.
Skit 3:
Same as skit one, except this time Nerd
A gently accepts the toy and begins to play with it. He then stops and
says with a flippant attitude, "Oh yeah, by the way, thanks, I guess."
He then leaves playing. Nerd B leaves also.
The narrator asks the kids if that was
a skit about thanksgiving, and why it was not. (It wasn't a skit on thanksgiving,
because even though he said thank you, he didn't mean it.) He then introduces
skit number four.
Skit 4:
Same as skit one, except this time Nerd
A gently accepts the toy and begins to play with it, but then stops and
sincerely thanks Nerd B for it. Nerd B tells him he is welcome, and Nerd
A asks Nerd B if he would like a chance to play with it too. They both
leave together.
The narrator then asks the kids if that
was a skit about thanksgiving, and why it was. (It was thanksgiving, because
he sincerely thanked him for it.)
: Quickly review the Bible story and skits.
What kind of hardships did the pilgrims
suffer their first year in America?
What did the pilgrims do the following
year? (Gave thanks to God.)
What did Clunky want from Pastor Dan?
What did Pastor Dan tell Clunky?
What did Pastor Dan decide not to buy
for himself so he could buy Clunky a tricycle?
What did Pastor Dan give up to give Clunky
a party?
What did Pastor Dan already give to Clunky?
Was Clunky thankful or not thankful for
the things he had?
Was skit one a skit on thanksgiving?
Why wasn’t it?
Was skit two a skit on thanksgiving?
Why wasn’t it?
Was skit three a skit on thanksgiving?
Why wasn’t it?
Was skit four a skit on thanksgiving?
Why was it?
Sermon points :
1. |
Many times we get caught up in the things
we don’t have instead of being thankful for the things we do have. |
2. |
Many times we get sad about the bad things
that happen to us instead of looking at the good things that happen and
rejoice. |
3. |
Clunky, instead of being thankful for
the things he had, got upset about something he didn’t have. |
4. |
The pilgrims on the other hand, instead
of looking at all the bad things that happened to them, and there were
many, focused on the good things and thanked God for them. |
5. |
At this point I like to tell the kids
about a man I know named Mike. Mike fought in Vietnam and lost his legs
and eyesight. But instead of being bitter, and mad, Mike is thankful: for
his life, his wife, his four children, and his relationship with Jesus.
I am sure you know of someone like Mike in your life you can relate to
the kids. |
6. |
Have the kids close their eyes and picture
in their minds all the things in their house. Most of them have toys, and
parents, and brother or sisters and friends, and many other things that
we take for granted. In some countries, some people don’t have in-door
plumbing, some don’t even have beds to sleep on. Give them a chance to
stop and really think about all the things they do have. |
7. |
Now with their minds and hearts full of
the things they have, lets spend some time worshipping and truly thanking
God. |
10. GAME |
Bible Cards
Something I like to do is have Bible cards.
I give the kids a card each week with five chapters in the Bible. When
they read each chapter, they have their parents sign the card, and I have
a reward for them the following Sunday (usually a pack of sugarless gum).
Puppet Skit : 49
Clunky comes out and asks you what you
are talking about in Children's Church this morning. You tell him, "Reading
the Bible", and then he tells you, "Good, not anything important. So can
I go to Billy McKilihutty's house?" You ask him what he means by not important,
and Clunk tells you that it is important for other kids to hear, but that
he has already read his Bible once, and that is good enough for him, beings
that he has got a photogenic memory. You tell him that just because he
has read his Bible once doesn't mean that he knows and remembers everything,
"It is just like walking around your house with a bag over your head, you
run into things." Clunk tells you that he could walk around his house with
a bag on his head and not run into anything. You ask him if he wants to
do a test and put a paper sack over his head so he cannot see, and find
out just how well he does by memory. Clunk agrees to the test, and you
put a paper bag over his head, and he leaves to prove to you that he knows
where he is going and can do it. As Clunk leaves he runs into the wall.
He asks you to point him in the right direction and then he will be fine
after that. Clunk now slowly walks off.
Later in the service, someone comes up
on stage to take the offering, and he begins to eat a banana. When he is
done, he throws the peel behind the puppet stage and walks away. A few
seconds later, Clunk walks out whistling, saying how easy it is, and doesn't
see the banana peel (the bag is still on his head) and slips and falls.
Clunk gets up and leaves asking where that banana peel came from. Someone
mean-looking then comes out front and asks the kids if they have seen a
stupid looking short little blue guy. He tells them that Clunk sat on his
Twinkies during lunch time at school, and he is here now to beat him up
for it. He walks back behind stage, and stands in the puppet stage when
Clunk walks up and runs into him. Clunk not knowing who it is says, "Watch
it, you big galump, can't you see that I can't see where I am going? Boy
some people are soo ..." While Clunk is talking, the person pulls off his
paper bag and Clunk seeing who it is turns and runs away. The mean person
chases him.
Later in the service, Clunk walks in with
no shirt on, holding a back brush and rubber ducky, thinking that the room
he is in is the bathroom. He is looking around for the bathtub when he
notices the kids giggling. Clunk pulls off the sack to realize he has made
a wrong turn and runs out embarrassed.
You come up and call for Clunk and ask
him how he did with the bag over his head. Clunk tells you that at times
he did good, but admits that at other times he did bad, because things
had moved and he couldn't see. Clunk comes to the realization that even
though he has read his Bible once before, he still needs to continue to
read it more. Clunk then tells you that he is not a very good reader, and
asks if you would come back and read to him. You say yes and tell him that
you will meet him after church to read to him.
Lesson :
(This object lesson needs to be done under
thorough adult supervision. Cover all of the windows in your children’s
church so that it is pitch black in the room when you turn off the lights.
The darker the room, the better the object lesson.)
Begin by giving each child a candle and
then turn off all the lights. Light your candle and talk to the kids about
how little light your one candle gives off. Not even enough to read by,
let alone to walk down a dangerous trail by. Then light one child’s candle.
You now have twice as much light as before, but still not enough to see
very well. The two of you now each light another candle. The room will
begin to grow lighter with just the four lights. Show the kids that they
can now look around the room and faintly see things, but there is still
not enough light to do a lot of things. Now the four of you light four
more. Continue to double the amount of candles that are lit, each time
stopping and pointing out to the kids how much more they can see with each
candle light. Once all the candles are lit, show them how bright it is
in the room with just those candles. Point out to them that they can see
each other’s faces and even read things on the walls. Have the kids blow
their candles out. The room will turn black again, and tell them this is
what it is like if you don’t read the bible.
The kids enjoy doing this object lesson.
The first time I do it, I like to show them the physical results of each
candle when it is lit. The second time I do it, I like to give it a more
spiritual emphasis, explaining to them that the more they read their bibles,
the more light they will have in their lives, and the better they will
be able to see.
Verse :
Psalms 119:130
"The entrance of your words give light;
it gives understanding to the simple."
Skit : 29
(You will need four nerds, one teacher,
a lemonade stand, water, sugar, lemons and other ingredients.)
Nerd A comes out and tries to make some
lemonade to sell, but doesn't follow any recipe and uses the wrong ingredients
or too much of one ingredient. Nerd B comes out, and Nerd A seeing
Nerd B tries to sell him a cup. Nerd B buys a cup and takes a sip,
but then spits it out on the floor saying, "This stuff tastes terrible."
He then takes his money back and leaves. Nerd A tries to make some
more, again without a recipe, only to have the same results. Nerd
C, who comes in complaining about how thirsty he is, sees the lemonade
stand and goes to buy a cup of lemonade. This time Nerd C spits out
the lemonade on Nerd A's shoes. He too takes his money back and leaves.
Nerd A tries for the third time, but this time Nerd D, who comes in running
and doing exercises, after drinking the lemonade, spits it out on Nerd
A's shirt. Nerd A is frustrated and disappointed and decides to quit
the lemonade business. Just then, one of the children's church teachers
comes out and asks what he is trying to do. Nerd A tells him that
he is trying to make some yummy lemonade to sell and make money, but no
matter what he does, it comes out bad. The teacher asks if all of
the ingredients are good, and Nerd A tells him that he just bought them
this morning. The teacher then asks to see his recipe. Nerd
A says, "What recipe?" The teacher asks Nerd A how he is making the
lemonade if he doesn't have any instructions. Nerd A tells him he
is making it the way he thinks is best. The teacher gets a recipe
book from the back, and together they make the lemonade. Nerd A gives
a cup for the teacher to try, and then ducks when he drinks it. This
time though, the lemonade is good, and Nerd A tells the teacher that it
will cost him a buck for the glass of lemonade. The two leave as
they argue about having to pay.
: Quickly review the object lesson, memory verse, and skits.
What is the memory verse?
Why did Clunky say he didn’t need to hear
that sermon?
What kind of mind did Clunky say he had?
What happened when the teacher threw a
banana peal on the floor?
Who did Clunky run into?
What room did Clunky think he was in by
How well did Clunky do with a bag over
his head?
How well could you see when the lights
were turned off?
How well could you see with just one candle?
How well could you see with all the candles
What happened when the first couple of
people drank the lemonade?
Why did the lemonade taste bad?
What happened when the nerd used his recipe
to make the lemonade?
Sermon points :
1. |
The Bible is like a recipe book for our
life. |
2. |
God is the one who made us, and God gave
us a book to follow to have a good life. When we try and do things our
own way, like the lemonade, they usually get messed up. But when we follow
God’s recipe book, the Bible, it will show us how to do things right. |
3. |
The Bible is also a light for our lives. |
4. |
When we don’t read the Bible, it is like
putting a bag over our heads. We won’t be able to see, and we will run
into all kinds of difficulties. |
5. |
The more we read the Bible, the more light
we will have in our lives, the better we will be able to see. |
6. |
Ask the kids how much light they want
in their lives. Then challenge them to read their Bibles. |

10. GAME |
Puppet Skit : 48
Clunky comes up confused and panicked because
he has a decision to make and he doesn't know what to do. He frantically
tells you that he has joined the football team as the star bench warmer
and that he has daily practices, but that now his friend Barney has asked
him if he wants to go to Disney World with him, which means he would have
to miss three days of practice. He explains that Barney's mom and dad said
he could bring some friends with him, and so now Clunk doesn't know what
to do, but being that he is so busy running around and panicking, he cannot
listen to you as you try and talk to him and give him some advice. Clunk
leaves. (Clunky doesn’t hear.)
Clunk comes back up later in the service
again panicked, and you grab him and make him look you in the eyes, and
give him your advice. You tell him that it would be really neat to go to
Disney World, Clunk interrupts and says, "Good advice, I'll go to Disney
World" but you stop him and continue and try to explain that it would be
neat, but that he gave his commitment to the football coach and rest of
the team that he would be there for practice and therefore he must choose
the football practice. Clunk ignores the second part of your advice, telling
you that he may never get another chance to go to Disney World for free,
and decides to go there. Clunky leaves. (Clunk hears but doesn’t do.)
Clunk comes back up later in the service,
looking for you for advice after messing everything up. He tells you that
he went and told his coach that he had to go to his grandma's funeral,
who happened to die at Disney World, and the coach didn't believe him and
said that if he decides to go to Disney World and misses practice, then
he is off the team. So Clunk quit and went home only to get a call from
his friend Barney who told him that his mom and dad said he could only
bring one friend so he chose to bring Simon RePeter and he hopes that Clunk
would understand. Now that Clunk has neither, he asks for your advice once
again, which is to go and apologize to the coach and ask him for his position
back. You make Clunk feel better by telling him that not just anybody can
be a good bench warmer, and that his coach will probably take him back.
Clunk tells you that that is probably true, and being that he has way more
experience in bench warming than all of the rest of the guys on the team
put together, his coach should let him back on the team. Clunk leaves to
go talk to the coach. (Clunk hears and does.)
Verse : Mr. Sin
Matthew 11:15
"He that hath ears to hear, let him
Mr. Sin
Mr. Sin is a human puppet who is dressed
to look like a bad person. His goal in life is to try and keep the children
from learning the memory verse.
We write our week's memory verse on five
or six balloons, and then tape them to the puppet stage. One of the teachers
comes up front and has the children say the memory verse with them. Mr.
Sin then comes up, and tries to convince the children to not listen to
the teacher, but to listen to him and not say the memory verse. He then
pops one of the balloons, and leaves thinking he has ruined it for the
children. (We put a pin on Mr. Sin's chin for him to pop the balloons with.)
The teacher then has the children say the memory verse with one of the
words now gone. Mr. Sin comes back up angry, and again tries to get the
kids to listen to him, and not say the memory verse. He asks the kids if
they really believe in what the Bible says, and the children without any
coercion from the teacher will answer yes. When he fails, he again pops
one of the balloons and leaves thinking that they surely won't be able
to say the memory verse now. This goes on for as many balloons as you have.
When the last balloon is popped, Mr. Sin leaves for good, but the children
have memorized the memory verse.
Story : Matthew 7:24-27
Skit : 13
(Characters : Joshua, Sis, Billy, a teacher,
and other students. We begin this skit in a classroom setting.)
The bell rings, and the kids come in to
the class and sit down on their seats. Josh and Billy are monkeying around
in the back, while Sis and her friend come in and sit politely. The Teacher
then comes in and tells the class to sit down and get out their books.
He turns and begins to write on the chalkboard while lecturing to the kids,
when Josh and Billy start goofing around. (They can be throwing paper wads,
drawing funny pictures of the teacher, teasing the girls...) The Teacher
turns around and asks Josh and Billy if they are listening to what he is
saying. The two boys say together "Yes, Mr. Johnson." He then gets after
Josh and Billy, and tells them to behave and listen to the lesson. He turns
back to the chalkboard and begins teaching. Again, the boys begin goofing
around, and again the teacher turns and tells them to be quiet, and asks
them if they are listening at all to the lesson. Josh and Billy say, "Yes,
Mr. Johnson." Once more, the teacher turns and writes on the board, and
Josh and Billy begin goofing around, but this time while the teacher is
talking and writing on the chalkboard, he says, "Anyone who stays after
class will get a free candy bar." Then turning around, he asks "Josh and
Billy, are you listening to me?" They say yes, though they weren't, and
the bell rings just then, and Josh and Billy get up quickly and leave the
class, while Sis and her friend stay after school and get the free candy
bar. The Teacher and girls then leave.
: Quickly review the Bible story, memory verse, and skits.
What is the memory verse?
What were the choices Clunky had?
Did Clunky listen to the teacher’s advice
in the first skit? (no)
Did Clunky listen to the teacher’s advice
in the second skit? (yes, but he didn’t follow it.
Did Clunky listen to the teacher’s advice
in the third skit? (yes)
What did the teacher tell the class that
he would give them if they stayed after?
What did Josh and Billy do when the bell
Were Joshua and Billy listening to the
Where did the wise man who heard the word
of God and obeyed it build his house?
What happened when the winds and rain
Where did the foolish man who heard the
word of God and didn’t obey it build his house?
What happened when the winds and rain
Sermon points :
1. |
How many of you have ever been like Joshua
and Billy and had your parents say something to you, and you heard what
they said, but weren’t paying any attention? |
2. |
Joshua and Billy heard their teacher talking,
but weren’t paying attention to what he said and didn’t get a candy bar. |
3. |
Many times, like Clunky, we hear someone
talking to us, but don’t pay attention to what they are saying and get
ourselves into trouble. |
4. |
It is the same with the word of God. It's
not just hearing the word of God, but doing the word of God also. |
5. |
When we hear the word of God, we need
to pay attention to what he is saying, and act upon it. |
6. |
The foolish man also heard the word of
God, but he didn’t pay attention and didn’t act upon it? |
7. |
What kind of house do you want? One built
on a rock, or one built on sand. |
8. |
Give the kids a chance to pray and decide
what kind of house they want? |
11. SERMON |
We hope you have found the skits and stories
in this curriculum a blessing. Again, if you have found this curriculum
helpful, or if you haven’t, please email us and let us know what you think.
Your opinion is not only desired, but needed. God bless you as you continue
to minister the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to his precious
children. |
Puppet Skit : 51
We hear a bully puppet as he is talking
to Clunk, Simon RePeter, and Birtha in the background, calling them names
and saying how stupid they are for going to church and believing in this
stupid God of theirs. He gets into an argument with them, and calls Birtha
ugly, and Birtha asks Clunk if he is going to let this big bully say all
of these things. Clunk seeing the size of the bully says yes. The bully
says more about how stupid their God is, and Birtha asks Clunk if he is
going to let him say those things. Clunk, scared, again says yes. The bully
spits on them and chases them all away and comes up to the front. He asks
the kids what this place is (they should respond by telling him it is their
children's church), and the bully begins to call all of the kids names
as well. He then decides to leave and slips on a banana peel, falling and
hurting himself, not able to get up.
Later in the service, Clunk comes up and
trips over the bully. The bully asks him for help, but Clunky gets up and
begins to laugh at him, and make fun of him and calls him names. He then
tells him that he is going to spit on him and see how he likes it, but
when Clunk spits, he hits his own shoe, and says, "Rats, I spit on my own
shoe, but if I would have hit you, how would you have liked it?" Clunk
tells the bully that he is not so tough when he is laying on the ground
hurt, but is scared away when the bully threatens him.
Later in the service, Birtha sees him and
also makes fun of him, even kicking him a couple of times while he is down.
Birtha leaves now feeling satisfied, and justified getting back at him.
Finally Simon RePeter comes up and sees
him. The bully asks him if he is going to call him names and get back at
him. Simon says no, that he wouldn't do that cause he is a Christian. The
bully asks Simon if he is going to kick him also. Simon again says no,
he wouldn't do that, he is a Christian. The bully asks, "Then what are
you going to do?" Simon tells him that first he is going to help him up,
and then he will help him home. Simon helps him up and then asks the bully
where he lives. The bully tells him that he is visiting his grandma. Simon
then begins to help him off stage, with the bully telling Simon that he
is a really cool guy and that he would like to hear more about this Christian
Skit : 28
(You will need a narrator, 3 nerds, one
athlete, and two little old ladies.)
The narrator enters and begins to read
the story to the kids. The characters enter and act it out accordingly.
Once upon a time, there was a tall, charming,
handsome stranger (pause - Nerd A comes walking out) well at least he was
tall (pause - Nerd A looks at the narrator) who went out for a walk. (pause
- Nerd A can be singing a song while walking.) And while he was walking
down the street, a gang of tough notorious ruffian outlaws (pause - two
old ladies come out) jumped him and beat him up and took his wallet and
left him for dead. (pause - as they leave they tell him, "By the way, you're
a lousy singer.") While he was lying there unable to move, (pause - Nerd
A says, "I've fallen, and I can't get up.") a pastor from the local church
happened by. (pause - Nerd B walks in looking very religious, holding and
reading a Bible. Nerd A looks at him and says, "Wow, this guy is a fancy
dresser, he will surely help me.") He saw the strange, poor, disgusting,
retched, lonely ... (pause - Nerd A looks at narrator and says, "Hey."
The narrator says he is sorry and continues) ... man, lying on the ground
injured. (pause - Nerd B says, "Look, a strange, poor, disgust, retched,
lonely ..." Nerd A cuts him off saying a little louder, "Hey!" and Nerd
B continues, " ... man, laying on the floor hurt.") But instead of helping
the stranger, he simply ignored him (pause) and walked on the other side
of the road. (pause) A few minutes later (pause) a second man, a deacon
of the stranger's church (pause - Nerd C now comes out also holding a bible)
came walking down the road and saw the strange, poor, disgusting, retched,
lonely ... (pause - again Nerd A interrupts him and says even louder, "Hey
!!!") … sorry, man. (pause - Nerd A says, "Oh boy, this guy is a deacon
in our church, surely he will help me.") But instead of helping, he too
passed by on the other side of the road, already late for his Sunday School
class. (pause - Nerd C looks down and tells Nerd A, "I would love to help
you, but I am already late for my Sunday School class, you strange, poor,
disgusting retched, lonely..." once again Nerd A interrupts him and Nerd
C finishes, "man." Nerd C then leaves.) Finally a weirdly dressed man came
walking down the road, (pause - the business man is actually dressed normal
to us, but strange if you are a nerd. Nerd A sees him and says, "Oh swell,
look at this weirdo! I'll never get any help from him.") and seeing the
strange... (pause - the narrator stops and looks at Nerd A as Nerd A looks
at the narrator with an angry look) I mean, the kindly man, badly hurt
on the road, (pause) and had compassion on him, (pause) mended his wounds,
(pause) helped him to his feet, (pause) and carried him to the local hospital.
(pause - the business man gives Nerd A a piggy back ride off the stage.)
The end.
Story : Luke 10:30-37
Edword is a puppet who likes to try and
help tell the Bible story, but never seems to get it right. He always seems
to appear at the time of the Bible story, and consequently asks if he can
help out. Though he thinks he knows all of the stories by heart, he is
always goofing them up, which gives you a good opportunity to tell him,
and the children, how it really goes. When Edword begins to ramble on,
have the children get his attention by saying "Edword, Edword, Edword!!!"
Then you straighten him out.
: Quickly review the Bible story and skits.
What are some of the things that the bully
called Clunky, Birtha and Simon?
What did the bully say about God?
What happened to the bully as he left?
What did Clunky do when he saw the bully
lying there hurt?
Was Clunky acting like a Christian?
What did Birtha do when she saw the bully
lying there hurt?
Was Birtha acting like a Christian?
What did Simon do when he saw the bully
lying there hurt?
Was Simon acting like a Christian?
What happened when the nerd was walking
down the road?
Who was the first person that saw the
nerd hurt?
What did the pastor do when he saw the
nerd hurt?
Was the pastor acting like a Christian?
Who was the second person that saw the
nerd hurt?
What did the deacon do when he saw the
nerd hurt?
Why did the deacon say he couldn’t stop
and help?
Was the deacon acting like a Christian?
Who was the third person that saw the
nerd hurt?
What did the business man do when he saw
the nerd hurt?
Was the business man acting like a Christian?
Sermon points :
1. |
John 13:35 tells us that people will know
that we are Christians by our love for each other. |
2. |
The bully knew Simon was a Christian by
the way he loved him. |
3. |
Jesus tells us in Matthew 5 to not only
love our friends, but our enemies also. We are to be kind to them, and
even pray for them. |
4. |
God is love. When we love one another,
we are acting like God. The word Christian means to be Christ-like. When
we love one another, we are acting Christ-like or Christian. |
5. |
When we don’t love, then we are not acting
Christ-like or Christian. |
6. |
One of the greatest ways of witnessing
is to love. Challenge your kids to think about someone who is mean to them,
and to think about how they can love them. |
7. |
Lets start acting like Jesus, lets start
loving one another. And it begins here in church. |
Object Lesson
Decorate the Children’s Church to the point
of gaudy, but have a little nativity set off in the corner (make the nativity
set out of dolls and teddy bears and old puppets). Then tell the kids that
Jesus wasn’t born in the bright gaudy lights of the city, but in the quietness
of a stable. Jesus still isn’t found in the bright gaudy lights of Christmas,
but in the quietness of our hearts. |
Puppet Skit : 58
Part 1:
Clunky comes up and asks the kids where
Pastor Dan is. (Pastor Dan is the person who does the Clunky puppet.) The
kids should tell him, and then Clunk asks them, "Why is it whenever I come
up, Pastor Dan is always hiding down here?" Clunk shrugs his shoulders
and then calls for Pastor Dan. Pastor Dan begins to tell him not to bug
him when he is busy, but stops and asks him what he wants. Clunk asks Pastor
Dan for the two bucks he owes him for doing the job he asked him to do.
Pastor Dan tells him that he can come and get the money later, and not
to bother him at this time. Clunk tells him he needs the money now. Pastor
Dan comes up and asks him what is so important that he needs to get the
money now. Clunk tells him that he is going to buy teacher A a special
Christmas present and he noticed that there were only a few left at the
store and he wants to make sure he gets one before they run out. Pastor
Dan says OK, and begins to give him the two bucks. Clunky then asks Pastor
Dan if there are any other jobs he could do for the last two bucks he needs.
Pastor Dan tells him that he will give him two more bucks if he would just
leave him alone. Clunk says, "Done" and Pastor Dan gives him four dollars
as Clunk leaves.
Part 2:
Clunk comes back up later in the service
and shows the kids the Christmas present he got teacher A and tells them
that it was the last one in the store and that the store keeper said how
lucky he was to get it. Clunk puts it down and goes back to the back to
get some paper and tape to wrap it. While Clunk is gone, Mr. Sin comes
out and sees the present laying there and asks the kids who it belongs
to. Just then he hears Clunky coming (Clunk is singing) and runs away with
the gift. Clunk comes up singing and carrying the wrapping paper, tape,
ribbon ... etc. and then notices that the gift is gone and drops all of
his stuff and begins to frantically look for it. He then asks the kids
if they know what happened to the gift and they should tell him that Mr.
Sin took it. Clunk asks them which way he went, and then heads out after
him. We then hear Clunk yelling for Mr. Sin to stop and to give him back
his gift. Mr. Sin begins to argue with Clunk about who the gift belongs
to saying finders keepers loser weepers, and Clunk arguing that he didn't
lose it, he just set it down for a minute. Mr. Sin then purposely drops
the gift so that it breaks and Clunk says, "Now look at what you have done."
Mr. Sin threateningly asks him if there is anything he would like to do
about it, and Clunk says, "Ahh, no." Clunk then comes back up on stage,
moping about his broken present. Pastor Dan says, "Psst" as Clunk looks
around and then asks the kids who said that. Pastor Dan says, "Pssst" again,
and again Clunk looks around. Pastor Dan then says, "Clunk, it is me down
here." Clunk looks down and says, "But I am not supposed to talk to you
when you are down there, and besides you gave me two bucks to leave you
alone." Pastor Dan comes up and tells Clunky that it is all right for this
time, and then asks him why he is so sad. Clunk tells Pastor Dan about
what happened, but then stops and says, "Why am I telling you? You are
the one who wrote this skit." Clunk then continues with the story. Pastor
Dan tells him that he will lend him the money to go buy teacher A a new
present. Clunk tells Pastor Dan that it was the last one in the whole town.
Pastor Dan then tells Clunky to go and make her a card. Clunk tells Pastor
Dan that would be stupid, but Pastor Dan tells Clunk that if he makes the
very best card he can and tells her how he feels inside, that it would
be the best present she could get from him. Clunk and Pastor Dan leave
to go find some stuff to make the card.
Part 3:
Teacher A comes up later in the service,
and tells the kids that she and Clunky are supposed to exchange Christmas
presents this morning. She then calls for Clunk, who comes up. Teacher
A asks Clunk how he is doing, and then asks if he is ready to exchange
gifts. Clunk looks down at Pastor Dan and says, "Yeah, I guess so." Teacher
A then gives to Clunky her present. Clunk opens it and begins to thank
her. Clunk then hurriedly tells teacher A what happened with the present
and all, and how he had to make her this card, and with his head hung down,
gives her the card. Teacher A opens the envelope, to find a homemade Christmas
card saying that she is Clunk's favorite person in the whole world, and
a homemade gift certificate stuck inside saying that Clunk owes her one
week's worth of taking out the trash without being asked. Teacher A then
tells Clunk that it is the nicest card she has ever gotten, and that she
is going to take it home and hang it on her wall. Teacher A then gives
him a hug. Clunk is amazed at teacher A's response and asks her how she
could be so happy when she gave him a cool present, and all he had for
her was a stupid card. Teacher A explains to Clunk that she heard about
what had happened, but that the card was from Clunky's heart, and that
is what makes it the best gift of all. Teacher A and Clunk leave to go
play with his present.
Story : Luke 2:1-
(This is one of the times I like to read
the story straight out of the Bible.)
Skit : 18
(Characters: three nerds and three carolers.
You will need 2 poinsettias, 2 ties, and 2 more silly Christmas presents.
The skit begins at the home of Nerd A.)
Nerd A comes out telling the kids how excited
he is about the Christmas Party he and his two best friends are going to
have. "Last year's party was so fun. I just hope they don't bring me any
of those stupid poinsettias for Christmas. One year I told them that I
like those red Christmas flowers, and ever since then they give them to
me for Christmas. Actually I hate those stupid things, and besides that,
I am allergic to flowers." He then begins to straighten up.
Nerd B comes in the back of the classroom.
(He will have to talk loudly, to get the children's attention. He has a
poinsettia, and a present in his hand.) He too tells the kids how excited
he is about the party, and says "Boy, I have good presents for those guys
this year. I know how much Nerd A loves these red Christmas flowers, and
Nerd C will really love the present I got for him. I just hope they don't
get me any dumb ties like last year. Every year they buy me ties, and I
never even wear ties." He comes to the front and knocks on the door. Nerd
A greets him, and has him come in. Nerd B gives Nerd A his poinsettia,
and Nerd A looks at the kids, rolls his eyes, and says sarcastically, "Wow,
a poinsettia, thanks a lot." Nerd A then sneezes, and they begin to talk
Nerd C now comes to the back of the room.
(Same as Nerd B, but he complains about a different present they give him.)
He comes to the front, knocks on the door, and Nerd A lets him in. Nerd
C then gives Nerd A the poinsettia telling him that he knows how much he
loves them, and Nerd A repeats what he did with Nerd B. Nerds B and C then
greet each other.
Nerd A then asks if they would rather eat
or open presents first. Nerds B and C decide they want to open gifts first,
so Nerd A gets his gifts from under the tree, and passes them out, and
B and C exchange their gifts. Nerd B opens his presents (they are both
two ugly ties) and says sarcastically, "Hey ties, just what I needed. Ahh...thanks
a lot there guys." (Nerds A and C are excited when B opens their present
to him.) Nerd C then opens his gifts (they can be something stupid, like
boxer shorts underwear) and says, "These have got to be the...dumbest presents
I have ever gotten." Nerd A then says "Talk about dumb, you guys give me
these stupid poinsettias every year, and I am allergic to them." Nerd B
says "What about mine? When was the last time that you ever saw me wear
a tie." (A and C think about that for a second.)
They all begin to argue, when the carolers
come in the back singing "Silent Night." They quit their arguing and begin
listening to the song. The carolers leave, and Nerd A begins to apologize
to the others. Nerd B says "I am sorry too. Christmas is for celebrating
the birth of Christ, God's Gift to us, not opening presents." Nerd C says,
"And who better to do that with, than with my two best friends." They all
leave to eat.
: Quickly the Bible story and skits .
What did Clunky want to give his favorite
What happened to his present?
What was the teachers reaction to Clunky’s
Why was the teacher happy with Clunky’s
What presents did Nerd A get that he didn’t
What presents did Nerd B get that he didn’t
What presents did Nerd C get that he didn’t
What happened to make the Nerds change?
What was baby Jesus wrapped in?
Who came to visit baby Jesus?
What did they bring to him?
Sermon Points:
1. |
The shepherds didn't have anything to
give but love. |
2. |
Wouldn't it have sounded silly if the
Bible would have said that one of the shepherds didn't go because he thought
it was dumb, or he was afraid that someone might laugh at him? |
3. |
What would you have done if you were there
that night 2000 years ago? Would you have gone and worshipped baby
Jesus, or would you have stayed behind because you think it is dumb or
are afraid someone might laugh at you? What you would do then, is what
you would do today. |
4. |
WORSHIP TIME. Give the kids a chance to
be like the shepherds and give to Jesus their love. |
5. |
Altar call. |
6. |
Remind the kids before they leave that
Christmas isn’t about getting presents, but about giving. Not just presents,
but our love: to our family, friends, and God. |