"FUN in the SON"
is a FUN and easy, two day, Kids Crusade that is geared towards
evangelism. It is easy to put together, yet it will leave your kids
sitting on the edge of their seats. How good is "FUN in the SON"
kids crusade? A child from a non-Christian home who came the first
night, cried because he had to leave for vacation, and was not able to go
the second night.
"FUN in the SON" is set in the Hawaiian
Islands. Two brothers, while on their vacation, find a hidden
treasure map, and spend the next two days running from the infamous Captain
Crook, while searching for the treasure. Though they do not find the
treasure they are looking for, they do find a treasure greater than any
they could have imagined.
You will need Six actors
for the skits, and one Narrator.
You will also need one Bible story
teller, one or two puppeteers, and one person to talk to the puppets.
and Hardley Worthit. Two brothers who go to Hawaii for vacation and
find a treasure map. Don is the straight man who is the smart
strong one. Hardley is the goofy one.
Crook and his sidekick Ed. Together, they are
"Crook-Ed". Capt. Crook is the notorious bad guy who has
been looking for the treasure map for most of his life. Ed is his
not so smart minion. Ed has an eye patch that changes eyes each
scene. Ed always repeats the last four or five words that Crook
says. Example: Crook says, "I have been looking for that
treasure map for years." And Ed says, "Yea, he’s been looking
for years."
Crook is the
straight man of the two, and Ed, if played right, can have one of the
funnest, and funniest parts.
5-0 agents:
and Chin are two of Hawaii’s not so bright police officers. They
are hot on Captain Crook’s trail and are just about to arrest him.
the notes, the part of Magarret, and the part of Sergeant Friday.
The material in this Kids Crusade
is written in a basic skeleton structure to give you freedom. We have
written it so that there are not a lot of lines to remember, but rather
ideas to act out. Have fun with it, and be silly.
The stage is set as one of the
Hawaiian Islands. You will need a beach front*, a hut*, some palm
trees* and a main mast*. See
Stage Props for ideas on how to make cheap but effective
props. The more props, the better the atmosphere.
We like to use a strobe light
and music for the chase scenes. This is one of the kids’ favorite
parts of the service. For the best results, cover all the windows in
your room with dark plastic.
Make sure you practice with
the strobe light. It is fun, but if you're not used to running with a
strobe, you will run into each other (which isn’t always bad :o).
*** I
suggest you let people know that you will have a strobe light.
Occasionally a child with certain illnesses is effected by the strobe
light. The child and parent will know this, and in that case just
throw out the light. In eight years of doing the crusade, I haven’t yet run
into one of these kids, but just in case, it is always nice for the parents
and you to know.
plastic sand pails
water gun
water gun
of water
soda bottle
notes with the clues
written on them
big "X" (made from
Go down to your local carpet
store, and ask if you can have the old roles that come in the middle of
carpet. Then cut to size and paint them. For the leaves,
either buy some cheap palm looking branches from the craft store, or make
some palm branches from green construction paper taped to metal clothes
hangers, and attach them to the top of the carpet role.

A cheap and easy
way to make the hut is to first, check with your local appliance store
and ask them for one or two old refrigerator boxes (two is best in case
you goof up with one :o) Secondly, cut off one side of the box, then cut
a whole out of the other side of the box to create a window for the
puppet. Then, if you are up to it, cut out some more palm leaves
out of green construction paper, glue them to the side you cut off, and
attach it to the top of your hut as a thatched palm roof. Lastly, you can
place a fish net on the hut with sea shells for added decor.

The main mast is pretty
easy. You can make it one of two ways. Either get an extra carpet role and paint it brown, or purchase
a long Styrofoam swim floaty (a Noodle) and paint it brown.
The carpet role is much more sturdy, but the Styrofoam is a little easier
on the head. For an added touch, we attach a sign that says,
"Main Mast".

Get a couple more carpet roles
and cut them into slightly different sizes, then connect them to make
them look like a Pier.

Capt. Crook
Hawaii 5-0 Agents
captains hat
sailors cap
Hawaiian Shirts
Hawaiian Shirts
Hawaiian Shirts
Hawaiian lei
Hawaiian lei
Hawaiian lei
Hawaiian lei
Hawaiian lei
fake hook
eye patch
grass skirts
grass skirt
fake nose & glasses
nose & glasses
nose & glasses
inflatable life-saver
sun glasses
inflatable life-saver
funny sun glasses
If you live in the United States and don’t have
a store in your town or community where you can get these props, you can
order most of them, and lots of other fun things from
The Oriental Trading
Day One
Day Two
5. SCENE 1
5. SCENE 4
8. SCENE 2
8. SCENE 5
[Narrator introduces
the skit. Play "Dragnet" CD.]
"This is the
city, Honolulu. A bustling town in the Hawaiian Islands, filled
with vacationing tourists from all over the world who come for the ocean
and sun, excitement and fun. But like most places in this world of
ours, there are, unfortunately, the occasional criminals who prey on
these unsuspecting site seers. That's where I come in. My
name is Sergeant PO ALIMA, which happens to mean 'Friday' in
Hawaiian. I'm a cop, I carry a badge."
"It was
the summer of 2003, when two tourists, brothers Don and Hardley Worthit,
went on their summer vacation to the beautiful islands of Hawaii.
On the second to the last day of their trip, they came to one of Hawaii's
smaller remote islands to explore. It is here that our story begins.
The names have not been changed, because only one is really
A: [Play the
"Odd Couple" CD.]
Don and Hardley come out
exploring and looking around the stage. Hardley is singing Jamaican
songs, and Don tells him to cut it out, that they are in Hawaii, not
Jamaica. (If you can find a toy squirt camera, have Hardley tell Don to go
and stand next to the palm tree so he can take a picture of
him. Hardley then squirts Don and the kids). While they
are exploring, Don finds an empty bottle. They decide to put a note
in it and throw it into the ocean. While looking for a piece of
paper, Don tells Hardley to go look by the main mast. (Hardley is
standing next to the main mast). Hardley asks, "What's a main
mast?" Don says, "Are you trying to tell me that you don't
know what a main mast is?" Hardley says, "I wouldn't know a
main mast if it came up and hit me." (Someone from behind stage
takes the main mast and hits Hardley with it). They continue to look
for a piece of paper. Hardley finds one, but complains that it has
scribbles on it. As Hardley begins to throw it away, Don grabs it and
explains that it is a treasure map. Just then, Capt. Crook looks out
from behind the stage, and then ducks back. Hardley sees Crook and
jumps frightfully into Dons arms telling him he saw somebody.
Ignoring Hardley's concern, Don drops him to the ground, and returns his
attention to the map. After a brief study of the map, they decide to
follow it and see if there really is a treasure. They run into each
other and argue about which way to go. Finally, Don convinces Hardley
and exit the stage.
B. [Play the
"Hook" CD.]
Capt. Crook and his side-kick
Ed come out (Ed has his eye patch on his right eye). Crook begins
telling Ed how he has been looking for that map
and its treasure for years, "And now they have found it for me.
All we have to do is get rid of those two goofy looking tourists, and the
treasure will be all ours." Ed says, "Yeah, the
treasure will be ours." After running into each other, Crook
turns Ed around and they follow Don and Hardley off the stage.
C. [Play the
"Hawaii 5-0" CD.]
The two Hawaii 5-O agents,
Dano and Chin, come sneaking out onto the stage and call up Steve Magarret
on their walky-talkies. (They are wearing jackets and dark
sunglasses). Chin tells Dano, "I have been chasing Crook and
that treasure map for years, and now I have him." He then tells
Dano to call up Magarret to see if they should arrest him.
Dano: "Dano calling
Magarret, do you copy Magarret? Over."
Magarret: "This is
Magarret. Over." (Magarret is just a voice over the sound
Dano: "Chin and I have
found Crook, and he knows where the map is. Do we arrest him
now? Over."
Magarret: "Negative, I
repeat, negative. Wait until he gets the treasure. Over."
Dano: "Roger
Magarret. Over and out."
Magarret: "My name isn't
Roger Magarret, its Steve Magarret. Out."
The two agents look at each
other, shrug their shoulders and like the others, they run into each
other. Chin turns Dano around, and they sneak off in the same
direction as Crook and Ed.
[Play the "Hawaii
5-0" CD.]
Step by step, Don and Hardley
come out counting ... "97, 98, 99, 100." Don stops at 100 and
Hardley runs into the back of him. Don asks Hardley, "When will
you ever learn how to count?" Hardley tells him that he knows
how to count, so Don asks him, "All right, if you have $5.00 in that
pocket, and $10.00 in that pocket, what do you have?" Hardley
says, "Someone else's pants." A Hawaiian girl then comes up
on stage. When Hardley sees her, he goes over to try and tell her
something in Hawaiian. "KOU OHANA HE PUPULE
HUHU DAH MAKULE PANIOLO." She slaps him and then
leaves. Hardley asks Don what he said, and Don tells him,
"You told her that her family are crazy angry senior citizen
cowboys." Hardley shrugs his shoulders, and then continues to
look around for the treasure. After a minute of looking, they find a big
yellow paper X on the floor along with another piece of paper with writing
on it. Hardley tries to read it but tells Don that it is written in
some ancient Hawaiian language. Don looks at the note and then turns
it over telling Hardley he was reading it upside down. As Hardley
begins to read the note, they hear over the sound system the voice of the
man who wrote the note. (The Narrator stops momentarily as Don and
Hardley look around and then at each other). They look at the note
again as the voice continues to read, "To find the hidden treasure,
(the narrator stops while Don and Hardley look around) open up and see, you
must go looking on the highest palm tr..." (The note is
ripped). Hardley gets upset that the last word is torn off, but Don
calms him down by telling him that it is the word tree. Hardley tells
Don, "Mom always did say you had all the brains." Then
quietly under his breath, "And I have all the looks."
Just then Capt. Crook and Ed
come out (Ed has his patch on his left eye). When Hardley sees him, he
jumps into Don's arms, and once again Don drops him to the ground.
Crook and Ed then hold up Don and Hardley and tell them that they want the
map. Hardley hides the map behind his back, playing around with
Crook and switching hands. Hardley, who is standing by the main mast,
tells Crook that they hid the map under the main mast. Crook asks,
"What's a main mast?" Hardley looks at the kids and says
laughingly, "You mean you don't know what a main mast is?"
Crook then says, "I wouldn't know a main mast even if it hit you on
the head." (The main mast hits Hardley on the head.) Then
Ed repeats Crook and says, "Yeah, he wouldn't know a main mast even if
it hit you on the head." (Again the mast hits Hardley on the
head). Hardley then says, "Now you done made me mad."
Finally Crook holds a gun on Hardley and Hardley yells, "Look behind
you!" Crook and Ed look back. The lights go out and the
strobe light and chase music come on as Crook and Ed begin to chase Don and
Hardley around and finally off stage.
(I would again advise you to
practice running with a strobe light. It is more difficult than
you would think. We have
Ed chase Hardley, and Crook chase Don.)
The Hawaii 5-0 agents sneak
out hiding behind fake trees. They discuss with each other what to
do, and then decide to call up Magarret. (While they are talking to
each other, they say things like, "Hey, where are you?"
"I'm over behind the tree." "Oh yea, good disguise.")
Chin: "Chin to
Magarret, do you copy Magarret? Over."
Magarret: "This is
Magarret. Over."
Chin: "We have followed
Crook to Wykeekee beach, and he has almost found the treasure. Do you
want us to arrest him now? Over."
Magarret: "Negative, I repeat,
negative. Do not arrest him until he gets the treasure. Over."
Chin: "Roger Magarret.
Over and out."
Magarret: "I told you, my
name is not Roger Magarret, its Steve Magarret. Out."
The two agents shrug their
shoulders and then sneak off stage.
Before coming out, we hear
Hardley ask Don if the coast is clear. Don says, "Yes," so
they both come out wearing a fake nose and glasses. Hardley finds a
glass of water and begins to drink it saying, "Boy, this water
tastes great!" Don asks if he can have some too, but Hardley
refuses to share. Don tells him, "Come on Hardley, let me have
it." Hardley asks, "What did you say?" And Don
repeats, "Let me have it!" So Hardley lets Don have
it. He throws the glass of water at Don. Hardley laughs, and
starts talking to the kids in the audience. Mocking Don, Hardley
repeats what he said, "'Let me have it. Let me have it.' I
let him have it all right." While Hardley is talking to the
kids, Don finds a bucket and starts to chase Hardley. He chases
Hardley off the stage and all the way around the sanctuary. Hardley
stops in front of the stage and begs for forgiveness, telling Don that he
is sorry and that he is the greatest brother in the world, but Don throws
it at him anyway. (The bucket is only filled with confetti).
This time Don laughs, and starts talking to the kids in the audience.
Mocking Hardley, Don repeats what he said, "Please, please, I am
sorry, you are the greatest brother in the world.'" While Don is
talking, Hardley grabs another bucket (filled with candy) and throws it at
Don who is standing in front of the kids. Don ducks and the candy
goes out into the audience. (Stop here and give a piece of candy to
all the kids who didn’t get one). They go back up to the stage and
reread the note they had found about finding the treasure on the highest
tree. After finding the highest palm tree, Hardley tells Don to get
on his back so he can reach the treasure. As Don tries to get on
Hardley's back, they both fall down, so they decide to trade places.
Hardley then tries to get on Don's back, but Hardley covers Don's eyes so
he can't see. As they stumble around the stage, because Don is unable
to see, Hardley is screaming in fear. After much effort, and hopefully
laughter from the kids, they finally get to the top of the tree and find
another note. Don asks Hardley if he got the note. When Hardley
answers yes, Don drops him. Don grabs the note from Hardley and
begins to read it when the voice interrupts them again and reads it over
the sound system. (When they hear the voice, they stop and look
around trying to figure out where the voice is coming from).
"Now you know, the treasure ain't in a tree. But maybe, just
maybe it is down by the sea." Just then Crook and Ed come
out. (Ed has his patch on his right eye.) Hardley sees
them and again tries to jump into Don's arms, but Don won't catch him so he
falls to the ground. Don asks Ed, "Wasn't your patch on your
other eye last time?" Ed says, "What patch?" Ed
then looks at the kids and shrugs his shoulders. Crook holds them up
again, but this time Hardley pulls out a gun of his own and tells Crook to
drop his.
Crook: "Who are
Hardley: "My name
is Magarret."
Crook: "Magarret
Hardley: "Roger."
Crook: "That's funny, I
don't know a Roger Magarret, but I do know a Steve Magarret."
Hardley: "Oh, funny
man eh? Do you write your own material? Now drop your
Crook does what he says and
drops his gun. Don asks Crook, "How does it feel to have the shoe
on the other foot?" Hardley bends down and looks at Crook's
feet, "His shoes are on the right feet Don." Hardley then
gets up, scares Crook and Ed some more with his gun, and then squirts the
two of them in the face. Crook looks at Ed and says, "It's just
a squirt gun, get him!" The house lights go out and the strobe
light and music come on as Crook and Ed begin to chase Don and Hardley
around the room and then out. (During the chase, Ed chases Hardley
around until Hardley grabs a bat and begins to chase Ed around. Ed
then finds a bigger bat and chases Hardley around and then finally off
The two agents come out
dressed as hula girls. Dano tells Chin, "You actually make a
pretty cute girl." Chin threatens him, and then they begin to
discuss what they should do about Crook. They decide to call Magarret
Dano: "Dano to
Magarret, do you copy Magarret? Over."
Magarret: "This is
Magarret. Over."
Dano: "We have
followed Crook to the north side of the island. Should we arrest him
now? Over."
Magarret: "Negative, I
repeat, negative. Wait until he finds the treasure. Over."
Dano: "Roger
Magarret. Over and out."
Magarret: "I'm telling
you, my name is not Roger, it is Steve. Out."
The agents sneak off stage
in opposite direction, wait for about 3 seconds, and then go back the way
Crook and Ed went.
[Narrator introduces
the skit. Play "Dragnet" CD.]
"This is the city,
Honolulu. An exciting and adventurous town. A town where people
like to come and take their family vacations. Normally, it is a
haven of security and fun, but occasionally there is the crime that
threatens the safety and enjoyment of vacationers. That's where I
come in, my name is Sergeant PO ALIMA, which still happens to
mean 'Friday' in Hawaiian. I'm a cop, I carry a badge."
"As you recall from
out last meeting, our story began on the night of July 13th, (the first
day of your Kids Crusade), the second to the last day of our heroes'
vacation, Don and Hardley Worthit. While exploring, these two
heroes found a treasure map that began their adventure in search of a
hidden treasure. However, when the dangerous and infamous Capt.
Crook and his weaselly little side kick Ed overheard that our two heroes
had found the map, they began to chase them around the island. Our
loyal Hawaii 5-0 police agents, Dano and Chin, are also hot on their
"Our story begins
today as our heroes continue in their hunt for the Hidden Treasure.
So let's follow Dano and Chin in their pursuit of Crook and Ed, as they
continue to chase Don and Hardley, while they follow the map to the
hidden treasure. Again the names have not been changed, because
only one is really innocent."
Hardley and Don come
out. The Hawaiian girl enters the stage. Once again, Hardley
tries to talk to her in Hawaiian. He tells her, "KAU KUPUNA
WAHINE, HE HULU HULU, INO INO, HE IA NUL" but gets his face
slapped again. The Hawaiian girl leaves and again Hardley asks Don
what he said. Don tells him, "You told her that her grandmother
was a hairy ugly dolphin." He shrugs his shoulders then pulls
out the last note from the night before. They read the note, (read it out loud for new kids) and walk over to the
beach front. Hardley reaches behind the "beach front" and
pulls his hand up with a plastic lobster attached. Frantically
Hardley runs around screaming when Don finally pulls the lobster off and
throws it back. Hardley goes back to the beach front in search of the
treasure. But to his disappointment, he only finds another
note. In reaching for the note, Hardley begins to fall into the beach
front. (While Hardley is falling behind the stage, he
"secretly" takes a drink of water from a glass placed back there
earlier. A straw in the glass makes it easier to drink while upside
down.) Don doesn't notice, momentarily, but when he does, he rushes
over and pulls Hardley out. When he realizes that Hardley isn’t
breathing, he tries to resuscitate him, by doing the, "out goes
the bad air, in comes the good." Hardley spits out the water he
secretly drank while almost drowning. After Hardley revives, Don goes
over to get the next note. Just then, Crook and Ed come out.
(Ed has his patch on his left eye).
Hardley asks Ed,
"Wasn’t your patch on your other eye yesterday?" Again, Ed
just looks at the kids in the congregation and shrugs his shoulders.
Don and Hardley then try to trick Crook, but to no avail, Don tells him
that the treasure is on the beach. Hardley looks at him and in confusion
says, "But Don ..." Don interrupts Hardley, "It is no
use trying to fight him." Then looking at Crook, he tells him
again, "The treasure is on the beach." Again, Hardley says,
"But Don …" and Don, with a wink, says to him, "The
treasure is on the beach." Finally, Hardley understands and
says, "Oh yeah, on the beach." Crook goes over and reaches
behind the beach front and pulls his hand up with the plastic lobster
attached. The lights go out, the strobe and music come on and the
chase begins. Crook throws off the lobster and begins to chase
Don. Ed chases Hardley around, then Hardley gets the small bat and
chases Ed around. Ed finds the bigger bat and chases Hardley around
and out.
The Hawaii 5-0 agents sneak
out wearing their normal uniforms and call up Magarret. (Normal
uniforms consist of jacket and sunglasses).
Dano: "Dano to
Magarret, do you copy Magarret? Over."
Magarret: "This is
Magarret. Over."
Dano: "We have followed
Crook to the beach front. Do you want us to arrest him now?
Magarret: "Negative, I
repeat, negative! Do not arrest him until he gets the treasure. Over."
Dano: "Roger Magarret.
Magarret: "How many times
do I have to tell you, my name isn't Roger, its Steve, Steve Magarret.
The two agents
start to sneak off stage, but run into each other confused as to
which way Crook and Ed went. In the end, they exit the same direction
as Crook and Ed.
Don and Hardley come running
out dressed in Pirate outfits, looking for Crook. Again, Hardley
finds a glass of water and commences drink it, commenting on how thirsty he
is with all this running around, and how good the water tastes. Don
asks if he can have some, but Hardley won't give him any, so Don demands
that he let him have some, "I am serious Hardley, let me have
it." Hardley says, "What did you say?" Don
repeats, "Come on Hardley, let me have it." So, Hardley
lets him have it and throws the water at Don. Don grabs a nearby bucket
and again begins to chase Hardley off the stage and around the
sanctuary. They get up to the stage and Hardley says, "Wait a
minute, yesterday you chased me and all you had was confetti, so go ahead,
let me have it." Don says, "What did you say?"
Hardley repeats, "Let me have it." So Don throws it at him,
but this time it really is water. (Have Hardley open his mouth so
some of the water goes in. Then have him look at the kids, and spit
it out). Hardley then grabs a bucket of candy to throw at Don who is
standing in front of the kids. Don ducks, and Hardley throws the
candy into the audience (Stop here and give a piece of candy to all the
kids who didn’t get one). They then read the last note that they
found, (As the voice begins to read over the sound system, the two look
around and then back at the note). "There may not be a treasure, I
just may be a nut. Or possibly the treasure is on top of a
hut." They begin in search for the hut. After finding the
hut, Don attempts to get on Hardley's back, but instead they both fall
down. Hardley then gets on Don's back and again Hardley covers his
eyes so that he can't see. They run into things on the stage, (for
fun, knock over some palm trees and other props on purpose; the kids won't
know its on purpose, and will get a kick out of it). They finally get
the third note from off the hut, and Don drops Hardley. Crook and Ed
then come out (this time Ed doesn't have any patch at all), and Hardley
jumps into Don's arms. Don again drops him to the ground.
Hardley comments on how soar his bottom is becoming. Crook asks them
if they have seen two goofy looking tourists with a treasure map.
Hardley begins to say defensively, "Hey, what do you mean by goofy
looking?" but Don hits him, and the two of them begin talking like
pirates saying, "Shiver me timbers, and swap the poop
deck..." Hardley has a patch on his eye, but pulls it up and
asks Ed, "What exactly is a poop deck?" Don hits him and
then says, "Tighten down the main mast." and Crook asks,
"What's a main mast?" Don then says, "Ar, I wouldn't
know a main mast if it hit my partner on the head." Hardley then
gets hit by the main mast for the last time. Hardley tells everyone
to hang on for a second, then goes over and tears down the main mast, and
throws it off stage. He then turns and claps his hands together,
shaking off the dust, when the mast comes flying back in and almost hits
him again. Hardley then runs and jumps into Don's arms, who then
drops him. Crook realizes that it has to be them, and once again he
holds them up. Hardley asks Crook, "Ar, you wouldn’t hit a
fellow Pirate would you? Arrr." Crook hits him, and Hardley
says, "That's what I thought." The lights go out, the
strobe light and music come on. The music is ballroom dance, so Don,
Hardley, Crook and Ed start dancing with each other. The music
changes, and they begin the chase again and then finally out. (If you
have the enough space behind the beach front, have Crook chase Don back
behind there and they can act like they are swimming). Ed gets the
big bat and chases Hardley. Hardley gets a small squirt gun and
chases Ed. Ed gets a bigger squirt gun and chases Hardley around and
finally out.)
The Hawaii 5-0 agents sneak out
wearing a fake nose and glasses, and call up Magarret.
Chin: "Chin to
Magarret, do you copy Magarret? Over."
Magarret: "This is
Magarret. This had better be good. Over."
Chin: "We have followed
Crook to the hut. Do you want us to arrest him now? Over."
Magarret: "Negative, I
repeat, negative. Now repeat after me, "Do not arrest him until
he gets the treasure. Over."
Chin and Dano: "Do
not arrest him until he gets the treasure. Over."
Magarret: "Now don’t
disturb me anymore, I am trying to eat lunch."
Chin: "Roger
Magarret. Over."
Magarret: "My name
isn't Roger Magarret, its.. ah never mind. Just don’t call me any
more until they have the treasure. OK guys? Out."
The two agents sneak off
Don and Hardley come out
discouraged after all their efforts, and no treasure to show for it.
They sit down on the treasure chest, which is covered with a beach towel,
sitting in the middle of the stage. Don asks Hardley what he did with
the last note. Hardley pulls it out and as he begins to read it, they
hear the voice read over the sound system; the two look around and then
back at the note, "I have lead you around in circles, that's just how
it goes. Actually the treasure has been right under you nose."
They look where they are sitting to discover the treasure chest.
Before they have a chance to open it, Crook and Ed come out. Don and
Hardley do everything to try to trick Crook, but nothing works. They
finally decide that they are going to have to FIGHT FOR IT. The
lights go out, the strobe light and music come on and Crook and Ed begin to
fight with Don and Hardley. They fight for a while, when Don yells,
"Stop." The lights come on, and Don tells them, "There
will probably be enough treasure for all of us." Crook agrees,
so they huddle together to figure out how to divide it. Just then,
our Hawaii 5-0 agents sneak onto the stage dressed as tourists wearing
shorts with white socks and black shoes, sun glasses and blow up life savers.
They begin to argue as to whether they should call and bother Magarret
during his lunch. They finally decide to do so.
Chin: "Chin to
Magarret, do you copy Magarret? Over."
Magarret: "This is
Magarret. This had better be important, cause I am in the middle of
dessert. Over."
Chin: "What are you
eating for dessert?"
Magarret: "Those little
fudge cookies my wife makes with the ... oh, never mind what I am
Chin: "Sorry about that
boss. We have followed Crook and he has found the treasure, what do
you want us to do? Over.
Magarret: "What do
I want you to do? Arrest him, I repeat, arrest him. Over"
Chin: "Did you say those
little fudge cookies...."
Magarret: "Book em
Chin: "Roger Magarret.
Over and out."
Magarret: "For the last
time, my name isn't Steve Magarret, but Roger Magarret. Wait, I said
that wrong. Just arrest him!!! Out."
The Hawaii 5-0 agents come
out to arrest all four of them. "Freeze! This is Hawaii
5-0, you are all under arrest." In response, they all put their
hands up. The agents then have them open up the treasure chest.
There is a note inside which Hardley grabs and says he is going to
read. Don grabs the note from him, and says he will read it.
Crook grabs it from Don; Ed grabs it from Crook; Chin grabs it from Ed;
Dano grabs it from Chin. Hardley runs over and grabs it from Dano,
who grabs it back from Hardley. It then goes back down the line the
other way, until it's back into Hardley's hands. Hardley looks at the
note, and we hear the voice read the note over they sound system, as
everyone on stage looks around and then shrugs their shoulders.
"This is the last poem, so if you will listen to me, you'll find the
greatest treasure in John chapter 3." Hardley looks down and
picks up what he calls a, "Holly Bibl". Don grabs it from
him and tells him it is the Holy Bible. Don opens the Bible and reads
John 3:16. Everyone looks confused, and then Crook says, "Well,
when I was in Sunday School ..." Everyone looks at Crook and
together says, "You went to Sunday School?" Ed repeats the
group, "You went to Sunday School?" Crook says,
"Yes" and then explains to everyone that he learned in Sunday
School, that if you believe in your heart that Jesus died on the cross and
rose again, and confess with your mouth that he is your Lord and Savior,
you will be saved and then you will get to live forever in heaven.
Everyone agrees, to live forever in heaven with God would be the greatest
treasure of all. Crook then leads them in a sinner's prayer, "Dear
God..." (Everyone repeats after Crook.) When they are done
praying, one by one, they all comment on how this is the best treasure in
the world. Chin hugs Crook, Ed hugs Dano, and Hardley tells Don,
"Let me give ya a big kiss brother." as Don ducks his hug.
They all leave happy and hugging each other.
(the end)
Bible Stories
(You can use any Bible story. These are the ones
we use.)
1 The story of
Solomon. (Read I Kings 2-1, II Chronicles 1-10, & Leviticus)
Solomon was the wisest,
richest, and most powerful king of Israel. He was so rich, as I King
10:21 says, "all king Solomon's drinking vessels were of gold, and all
the vessels of the house of the forest of Lebanon were of pure gold; none
were of silver: it was nothing accounted of in the days of Solomon."
and in 2 Chronicles 1:15 it says, "And the king made silver and gold
at Jerusalem as plenteous as stones". Now that is rich!
Solomon was also very
powerful. He was so powerful, that though he had enemies, the
countries around him were afraid to even try to fight him, and Solomon
never had to go to war.
Solomon’s wisdom was so well
known, that people came from far away countries just to hear him speak, and
then were in awe as they listened and watched (I Kings 10 - story of the
queen of Sheba).
And yet with all of Solomon's
money, power and fame, he was never satisfied, and was always seeking
more. In the book of Ecclesiastes12:13 he finishes by saying,
"Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and
keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man." Solomon,
the richest, most powerful and wisest man came to the conclusion that
riches meant nothing, power meant nothing, and knowledge without God meant
nothing. The only thing that really mattered, the only thing that
satisfied was knowing God and to obey him.
2 Matt
The parables of the hidden
treasure, and the pearl of great price.
*Note. One of the biggest mistakes in
children's ministry is to sermonize everything. We do a skit, then
sermonize it. We tell a story, then sermonize it. We have a
puppet skit, then sermonize it!!! By the end of the day, the kids are
sermonized out. The best thing to do is to move directly from one
skit to another without sermonizing, then bring it together for your sermon
at the end. I personally like to tell the Bible story, and then
quickly move on to the next scene in the skit. Then at the end of the
service, I will bring everything together and preach the short sermon
Day 1
(This is simply a silly skit, it is just done for fun.)
Characters : Clunky, Simon RePeter*, and a teacher.
Simon RePeter comes out and
begins to teach the kids some Hawaiian words. (*Click here for some
fun and easy Hawaiian words. Or go down
to your local library and pick up a book on Hawaii.)
Clunky comes up and asks Simon
what he is doing. Simon tells Clunky that he is teaching the kids
some Hawaiian words. Clunky asks if Simon could teach him some words
too. Simon tells him he can teach him some more words after the
service. Clunky persists and begins to bug Simon, so Simon begins to
play a trick on Clunky. Simon tells Clunky to repeat after him.
Simon : OK, repeat
after me.
Clunky: OK, repeat after
me. (Simon shakes his head.)
Simon : OWA
Clunky: OWA
Simon : TADO
Clunky: TADO
Simon : PIAM
Clunky: PIAM
Simon then tells Clunky to say
it by himself. Clunky asks Simon to go over it with him again.
Simon : OWA
Clunky: OWA
Simon : TADO
Clunky: TADO
Simon : PIAM
Clunky: PIAM
Simon again tells Clunky to
say it by himself.
Clunky (slowly): OWA ……
Simon : Good, now say it
Clunky (a little faster)
Simon : Faster.
Clunky: OWA .. TADO ..
Simon : Faster.
Clunky: OWA
TADO PIAM. OWA TADO PIAM. Owa tado piam. Oh what a
dope I am. Oh what a dope I am. OH WHAT A DOPE I AM
!!! Hey wait a minute, is that really a Hawaiian word?
Simon tells him, "No, but I bet you really feel like a
dope." Simon turns and runs and Clunky runs after him.
2 (Again, this is
simply a silly skit. It is just done for fun.)Characters : Clunky and
Clunky comes up and tells
the kids that he was tricked yesterday by Simon RePeter, and that today he
is going to trick one of the teachers. Clunky begins to laugh to
himself and then calls up one of the teachers. Clunky asks the
teacher if she was watching when Simon RePeter was teaching the kids
Hawaiian words yesterday. The teacher tells Clunky, "No, I was
busy getting things ready and I missed that." Clunky tells the
teacher, "That is too bad. But if you would like, I can teach
you a Hawaiian word." The teacher agrees, so Clunky begins to
play his trick. Clunky tells the teacher to repeat after him.
Clunky : OWA
Teacher: OWA
Clunky : TADO
Teacher: TADO
Clunky : PIAM
Teacher: PIAM
Clunky then tells the teacher
to say it by herself. The teacher asks Clunky to go over it with her
Clunky : OWA
Teacher: OWA
Clunky : TADO
Teacher: TADO
Clunky : PIAM
Teacher: PIAM
Clunky again tells the teacher
to say it by herself. But the teacher tells Clunky that she needs him
to go over it with her one more time, "But this time, say all the
words together for me."
Clunky (slowly): OWA ……
Teacher: Say it one more
time, just a little faster.
Clunky (a little faster)
Teacher: Faster.
Clunky : OWA ..
Teacher: Faster.
Clunky: OWA
TADO PIAM. OWA TADO PIAM. Owa tado piam. Oh what a
dope I am. Oh what a dope I am. OH WHAT A DOPE I AM
!!! Hey wait a minute, you're the one that is supposed to say,
I’m a dope! The teacher tells him, "Clunky, I would never call
you a dope." Clunky asks the teacher if she thinks Pastor knows
that trick? The teacher says no, and Clunky leaves to go try to trick
the Pastor.
(For fun, later in the service
have the Pastor come out from behind the stage telling Clunky, "I
don’t think your a dope Clunky.")
Simon RePeter is a
hairy puppet who comes to Children's Church to teach the kids the memory
verse. He comes up, tells the children his name and that they are to
repeat after him. He then begins to say parts of the memory verse,
giving the children time to repeat it. This has a lot of opportunity
for fun and silliness with the kids repeating everything Simon says.
In the end though, the children have repeated the memory verse several
times, and consequently have learned it.
(You will need Hardley,
Crook or Ed, and the memory verse written on cocoa nuts.)
Hardley comes out and sets
up the memory verse, written on the cocoa nuts, in order on
a table. (I use two
1X2X8 foot boards to help the cocoa nuts stay up.) He then tells the
kids that he is supposed to teach them the verse. He has the kids say
the verse with him. He then steps in front of the table, with the
memory verse on it, and begins to talk about the verse. While he is
doing this, Crook comes out from behind the stage and takes one of the
cocoa nuts. The kids will yell and tell Hardley that Crook is taking
one of the cocoa nuts, but he just ignores them. When Crook leaves,
Hardley turns around to go over the verse again with the kids, but notices
that one of the words is now gone. He accuses some of the kids of
taking the word. He then has them all say the verse with him.
Once more, he steps forward to talk to the kids, and Crook comes out and
takes another one of the words. Again, Hardley turns and finds
another word missing. He continues to accuse the kids, and then has
them say the verse with him. This time, he listens to what the kids are
saying (that Crook came from behind the stage and took one of the
words). Hardley decides to investigate. He goes behind the left
side of the stage to find Crook. However, while he is walking behind
the stage, Crook comes out the other side and takes another word.
Hardley then comes back out, and finds that another word is missing.
He has the kids say the verse with him again, and then asks them which way
Crook went. This time he goes around the right side of the stage, and
Crook comes around the left and takes another word. Hardley comes out
and finds the word gone. He has the kids say the verse with him, but
this time he will not listen to the kids when they say that Crook is behind
the stage. (Crook peaks his head out occasionally to get the kids to
yell. But every time Hardley looks, Crook pulls back.) Crook
comes out and stands right behind Hardley, and the kids yell and tell
him. Hardley turns around to look, but Crook turns with him so that
Hardley doesn't see him. This happens a couple of times, until Crook
finally takes one of the words and leaves. You may do as many variations to
this until all of the words are gone, and the kids have memorized the
memory verse.
Crook knocks loudly on the
right side of the stage. When Hardley checks it out, Crook goes out
the left side and takes a word.
Crook knocks loudly on the
right side of the stage again. Hardley decides to go to the left
side to trick and catch him. Crook comes out the right side, shrugs
his shoulders and takes one of the cocoa nuts and leaves.
Crook sticks his head out,
then goes back. Hardley chases him from the other direction.
They pass each other behind stage, and come out opposite ends. They
look at each other, and then go back and pass each other again coming out
the doors from which they started. They do this two or three
times. Crook takes one of the cocoa nuts and leaves.
Crook crawls on the ground,
and when Hardley looks, he doesn't see him.
Crook comes out so that
Hardley sees him. Hardley starts after him, and Crook and Hardley
begin a chase in circles around the stage. After about two times
around the stage, Crook stops and sits down on a chair, sitting on the
stage, as Hardley continues to run around in circles, oblivious to Crook
sitting there. After two more times of Hardley running around,
Crook tells Hardley, "He went that way." Hardley begins
to follow where Crook tells him, but then stops and looks back.
Crook then grabs a cocoa nut and leaves the stage.
Hardley grabs the last cocoa
nut and, while holding it up, tells the kids that this time he is not
going to be distracted, nor is he going to loose it. Crook comes
out and the kids will yell. Hardley tells them that he is not going
to fall for their tricks and that he is going to hang on to this last
cocoa nut. "The only way for Crook to get this last cocoa nut,
is for him to come up and take it right out of my hand." Crook
looks at the kids, shrugs his shoulders, and grabs the last cocoa nut,
running behind the stage. Hardley goes over the memory verse with
the kids for the last time, and then leaves to go find Crook.
1 Memory Verse
2 Cor 9:15
"Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift."
2 Memory Verse
Matt 13:44 "the
kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field" (King James)
Matt 13:44 "The kingdom
of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field" (New American)
Matt 13:44 "The
kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field." (New International)
Many people
have different techniques when preaching a sermon. However, we have
found it best to quickly review what has been presented, and then bring it
all together, by relating it to the children in the form of a small
sermonette. I like to grab a bucket of candy and begin to ask
questions about the Bible story, memory verse, and skit. This not
only rewards the kids, but more importantly, it gets their attention.
Then I take about three or four minutes to preach my sermonette and give
the altar call. I am a big believer in fun, but I am a bigger
believer in the altar.
Here is a list of
questions you can ask:
Q: What are
the names of our two heroes?
A: Don and
Hardley Worthit.
Q: What did
Don and Hardley find?
A: A
treasure map.
Q: What
did Don and Hardley do when they found the map?
A: Started
looking for the treasure.
Q: Who
was chasing Don and Hardley as they were looking for the treasure?
A: Crook and
Q: Who was
chasing Crook and Ed as they were chasing Don and Hardley?
A: Dano and
Q: When
Don and Hardley ran into difficulties, did they quit looking for the
A: No.
Q: What
is today's memory verse?
A: 2 Cor
9:15 "Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift."
Q: At the end of
Solomon's life, what did he, the richest man in the world say?
A: Fear God, and keep
his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.
Sometimes we
find ourselves running around in circles, looking for that magical treasure
that we think will solve all of our problems. "If I could just
be rich, or strong, or popular, or smart, then all of my problems will be
solved." But Solomon, the richest, wisest, most powerful man of
his time, at the end of his life said that it wasn't riches, but knowing
and obeying God that brings true fulfillment.
We can have that same
fulfillment that King Solomon sought and talked about. In John
14:5-6, Thomas, one of the disciples, asked Jesus, "how can we know
the way?" and Jesus answered, " I am the way, the truth,
and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." The
Bible tells us that sin separates us from God, but that Jesus came to earth and died on the cross to take away our
sins. The Bible also tells us in Romans 10:9 "That if thou shalt
confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart
that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved" and in
Romans 10:13 "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall
be saved."
When we believe
and accept Jesus as our Lord, we are saved, and we receive eternal life and
that fulfillment that King Solomon was searching for.
Altar Call.
Q: What are
the names of our two heroes?
A: Don and
Hardley Worthit.
Q: What
did Don and Hardley find?
A: A
treasure map.
Ultimately, what did Don and Hardley find in the end?
A: Jesus.
Q: What
did Don and Hardley do when they found the map?
A: Started
looking for the treasure.
Q: Who
was chasing Don and Hardley as they were looking for the treasure?
A: Crook and
Q: Who
was chasing Crook and Ed as they were chasing Don and Hardley?
A: Dano and
Q: When they
found the treasure chest, what did they find inside?
A: A Bible.
Q: What
was the verse that the note said to read?
A: John 3:16
Q: Can
anyone quote John 3:16?
Q: What was
the greatest treasure that Don, Hardley, Crook, Ed, Dano and Chin found?
A: Jesus (or
heaven, or salvation ... etc.)
Q: What was the
memory verse?
A: Matt 13:44
"the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field"
Q: When
the man in the Bible story found the treasure chest, what did he do?
A: Sold all
he had to buy the field to get the treasure.
This is
also a good time to review, and ask some questions about yesterday's
There is a treasure that is
worth looking for. It is worth more than any other treasure in the
world. It is worth more than gold or silver. It is worth more
than money and jewels. It is worth more than fame and power and
popularity. That treasure is eternal life, to be able to live
forever. And the Bible tells us how we can have that treasure.
The Bible tells us that sin
separates us from God, and keeps us from receiving that treasure of eternal
life. But, the Bible also tells us, that Jesus came to earth to take
away that sin. He lived a perfect, sinless life, and then died on the
cross, taking our sins away.
Then, like Crook told the
gang, the Bible tells us that if we believe in our heart that Jesus died on
the cross, and rose again, and confess with our mouth that he is our Lord
and Savior, Jesus will take away our sin, and we will be saved (born again)
and then we will get to live forever in heaven.
Altar Call.
An option you
may consider, which is an effective way I have found to do the altar call
is to first ask the kids who are already saved, and have accepted Jesus to
be their personal Savior to raise their hands. When the unsaved kids
see how many others have accepted Jesus, they are less afraid to do it
themselves. Have them put their hands down, then ask for the kids who
would now like to ask Jesus into their hearts to raise their hands and to
come forward.
Fruit Galore. I often get parents wishing
we would serve healthier snacks. Well, this is the time to do
it. Because of the Hawaiian theme, we serve fruit, fruit, and more
fruit. Pineapple, plums, bananas, grapes, watermelon, cantaloupe,
Another fun thing to do is buy
those little umbrellas for the "fruit" punch, it really gives it
the Hawaiian look.
Hawaiian words:
Make signs around the church using Hawaiian words, with
the English word underneath.
Here are some examples :
*Click here for some fun and easy Hawaiian words. Or go down to your local
library and pick up a book on Hawaii.
Dress up (Lei's, Hawaiian shirts, and Grass skirts):
We like to purchase a bunch of leis and pass them out to
the kids when they come in.
When kids (OK adults too) are dressed for the part, they
just seem to have that much more fun, so we invite the kids to dress
Hawaiian. Some kids wear hawaiian shirts, and some of the girls like
to wear grass skirts. An easy and cheap way for them to make grass
skirts is to get grocery bags from the store and cut long slits into them.

Grass Skirt
Theme Music:
A fun way to introduce each scene is with a theme
song. You can purchase C.D.'s with different songs to play at the
beginning and end of each segment. You won't have to tell the kids
what is next or when it is over, they will here the music and know.
This also makes your service much more fluid, filling up the small empty
spaces that usually occur during the service in between segments.
You can use any
songs. Here is a list of the theme songs we use. You can order
a CD with these songs at your local music store.
For the Narrator, we use
the theme for "Dragnet".
For the Hawaii 5-0 agents, we
use the theme for "Hawaii 5-0".
For Crook and Ed, we use a
song from the movie "Hook".
For the two
heroes, Don and Hardley, we use the theme for "The Odd Couple".
For the chase and
fight scene we use the theme for "Bananza".
We also need a CD with
ball room dancing or Big Band music.
It is also fun
to have some kind of Hawaiian music playing when the kids are arriving.
We conduct our contest for
those who bring the most visitors a little differently.
We don’t want the kids to
think that bringing only one friend is unimportant. God rejoices
when just one person comes to Christ. So, we tell the kids that
for every new friend they bring, they will have their name put into a
bucket. Then at the end of the Crusade, we pick four or five
winners. The more friends they bring, the better their chances of
winning, but even the child who brings only one visitor will have a chance
to win. This encourages those kids who know they only have one or two
friends they can invite. I have often heard kids say, "I know I
can't win, so why try."
**Secretly though, I do buy
a couple of extra prizes just in case some child really does do a good job
of bringing friends in and doesn’t win in the drawing. I pull them
aside afterwards and give them a special prize. They really get a
kick out of that.
Chief, Nobility
Senior Citizen
Great, Perfect
Sweat Heart
Hawaiian Dance
Thank You
The End
Flower Necklace
Long Dress
If you have found this Kids
Crusade helpful, or if you haven't, please email us and let us know what
you think. Your opinion is not only desired, but needed. Email us at:
Also, if you have
any good or unique ideas that you think would be helpful to others, please
email them to us, so that we can pass them along.
Thank you, and
may God bless you as you minister the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus